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by Anaya, Rudolfo A.
Published by : Editorial Justa Pub. Physical details: 197 p. ISBN:9780915808342. Year: 1979
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Southwest Fiction Book Cart Ana (Browse shelf) Available 49352
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Ami Amistad Amo Killer's draw Amo Folly Ana Tortuga Ana Legend of La Llorona Ana Alburquerque Ana Jemez Spring

When the story opens, the eponymous hero of Rudolfo Anaya’s novel is in an ambulance en route to a hospital for crippled children in the New Mexican desert. A poor boy from Albuquerque, sixteen-year-old Tortuga takes his name from the odd, turtle-shaped mountain that is rumored to possess miraculous curative powers. Tortuga is paralyzed, and not even his mother’s fervent prayers can heal him. But under the mountain’s watchful gaze, with the support of fellow patients, he begins the Herculean task of breaking out of his shell and becoming whole again.