Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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I didn't come here to argue

by Bracken, Peg frey50
Published by : Arlington Books (St James's, London) , 1969 Physical details: 210 p.
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800 - 899 818 Bra (Browse shelf) Available 50133

Includes index and appendix

Part one - I stand Foursquare, More or less My feud with food Report on Hamlet The sunrise collector: What to do till your horoscope gets there It's a funny thing about me, but not very

Part Two - The Mal-de-Merry-Go-Round Who, me? The knee-jerk consumer A dollar is a sometime thing Dont trust anybody over forty

Part Three - Moot Points Keep warm, take plenty of liquids... Wet Birds If you'll promise not to tell me about your trip, I promise not to tell you about mine Of books and bookkeeping How Mrs. Arthur Murdock made big money at home in her spare time, writing things

Part Four - I don't know about you Notes, for lecture nobody ever asked me to make Growing older, or up : You can't have your hands lifted Running for daylight : The Mystque and the tricycle When you buy brooms

Here are the musings, the recollections and random thoughts of a hilarious and highly original personality, which examine some of the knottier problems of our lives.