George Orwell
by 20160731 frey50
Published by : Prentice-Hall, Inc (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey) , 1974 Physical details: 182 p. ISBN:0136477194. ISSN:013647701Item type | Current location | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode |
800 - 899 | 828.91209 Geo (Browse shelf) | Available | 51234 |
Orwell and the lower-middle-class novel / Terry Eagleton -- Introduction to The road to Wigan Pier / Richard Hoggart -- Observation and imagination in Orwell / Raymond Williams -- George Orwell and the politics of truth / Lionel Trilling -- Inside which whale / E.P. Thompson -- George Orwell as a writer of polemic / John Wain -- Orwell as satirist / Stephen J. Greenblatt -- 1984 : the mysticism of cruelty / Isaac Deutscher -- Orwell's post-war prophecy / Jenni Calder -- Orwell looks at the world / Conor Cruise O'Brien -- Prose like a window-pane / George Woodcock.
The eleven essays included are arranged so that Orwell's works may be studied in the general order in which they were written.