Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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sw 900 - 999 Book Cart 978.901 Col (Browse shelf) Available Gift 54015

Helen Greene Blumenschein: A brief biography by Jack & Dorris Boyer - a preliminary report on the excavations at LA 12143, Gallup, New Mexico by Douglas Paul Brethauer - Cohesive and dispersive configurations in settlement patterns of the Northern Anasazi: A hypothesis by Herbert W. Dick - Collection and analysis of surface material on a Valdes phase site in the Arroyo Hondo Valley by Curtis Schaafsma - /El Paso phase room at Oro Grande by Vernon Ralph Brook - LA 10607: The Manzanares site by Charlie R. Steen - An instrument survey of Gallina sites on rattlesnake ridge by Richard A. Bice - Rock art - Art or Archaeology? by James G. Bain - Snowshoes from Taos Pueblo by Nancy Fox - Ganaskidi: The Navajo Humpback diety of the largo by Harry L. Hadlock - Cultural gaps and a construct by Bertha P. Dutton - Turley's Mill - LA 8146 by J.J. Brody - Ponil Park: An early 20th century logging and sawmill community in New Mexico by David T. Kirkpatrick