The Heart Has its Reasons
by Windsor, Wallis Warfield
Published by : David McKay Company, Inc (New York) Physical details: 372 p. Year: 1956Item type | Current location | Call number | Status | Notes | Date due | Barcode |
900 - 999 | 941.084092 Win (Browse shelf) | Available | Gift | 25060 |
Biography of the Duchess of Windsor before and after her marriage to King Edward VIII who abdicated his throne.
The world was rocked when King Edward VIII abdicated for the love of an American woman whom the British Governement forbade him to marry. From that day on, the world has wondered what manner of woman it was whose loe meant more than kingship to the most glamorous figure who has sat on a throne in modern times. The world has wondered, too, how the marriage of this celebrated couple has fared.