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Road less traveled

by Peck, M. Scott
Published by : Simon & Schuster (New York) Physical details: 315 p. ISBN:0671250671 Pbk. . Year: 1978
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100 - 199 Book Cart 158.1 Pec (Browse shelf) Available In Memory of : Sally Stone 55629

I. Discipline. Problems and pain
Delaying gratification
The sins of the father
Problem-solving and time
Neuroses and character disorders
Escape from freedom
Dedication to reality
Transference: the outdated map
Openness to challenge
Withholding truth
The healthiness of depression
Reunuciation and rebirth
II. Love. Love defined
Falling in "love"
The myth of romantic love
More about ego boundaries
Cathexis without love
Love is not a feeling
The work of attention
The risk of loss
The risk of independence
The risk of commitment
The risk of confrontation
Love is disciplined
Love is separateness
Love and psychotherapy
The mystery of love
III. Growth and religion. World views and religion
The religion of science
The case of Kathy
The case of Marcia
The case of Theodore
The baby and the bath water
Scientific tunnel vision
IV. Grace. The miracle of health
The miracle of the unconscious
The miracle of serendipity
The definition of grace
The miracle of evolution
The Alpha and the Omega
Entropy and original sin
The problem of evil
The evolution of consciousness
The nature of power
Grace and mental illness: the myth of orestes
Resistance to grace
The welcoming of grace

Discusses the nature of loving relationships in the context of traditional psychological and spiritual insights