Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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Shakespeare of Stratford

by Brooke, Tucker frey50
Published by : Yale University Press (New Haven, Connecticut) , 1926 Physical details: 177 p.
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The Biographical facts: I. Shakespeare's Birth (1564) -- II. Shakespeare's Marriage (1582) -- III. Birth of Shakespeare's daughter, Susanna (1583) -- IV. Birth of Shakespeare's twin children (1585) -- V. Mention of Shakespeare as Heir of John and Mary Shakespeare (1589) -- VI. Greene's indictment of Shakespeare (1592) -- VII. Chettle's Apology to Shakespeare (1592) -- VIII. Shakespeare's formal debut as a poet (1593) -- IX. Shakespeare's acknoledgement of southampton's patronage (1594) --X. The earliest tribute to Shakespeare by name as a poet (1594) -- XI. Record of Shakespeare as member of Lord Chamberlain's company of players (1595) -- XII. Burial of Shakespeare's son (1596) -- XIII. Draft of grant of arms to Shakespeare's Father (1596) -- XIV. Shakespeare assessed for taxes as resident of St. Helen's Parish, Bishopsgate (1596-1598) -- XV. Shakespeare purchaes New Place in Stratford (1597) -- XVI. Shakespeare interested in purchases of land at shottery (1598) -- XVII. Shakespeare listed among holders of corn and malt in Stratford (1598) -- XVIII. Shakespeare's name begins to appear on Title-pages of his plays (1598) -- XIX. Shakespeare rocognized as one of the classic English poets (1598) -- XX. Shakespeare a prinicpal actor in Jonson's 'Every man in his humour' (1598) and SeJanus' (1603) -- XXI. Richard Quyny borrows thirty pounds from Shakespeare (1598) -- XXII. Allusions to Shakespeare's loan to Quyny (1598) -- XXIII. Shakespeare sells a load of stone to the Stratford Corporation (1599) -- XXIV. John Weever's sonnet to Shakespeare (1599) --XXV. Shakespeare a part owner of the globe theatre (1599) -- Confirmation and extension of Heraldic honors to John Shakespeare (1599) -- XXVII. Shakespeare's name exploited by W. Jaggard (1599) -- XXVIII. First mention of Shakespeare's name in register of the stationer's company (1600) -- XXIX. Shakespeare's fame extend to Cambridge (1600) -- XXX. Shakespeare and his wife mentioned in Thomas Whiitington's Will (1601) -- XXXI. Death of Shakespeare's Father (1601) -- XXXII. A Cambridge anecdote of Shakespeare and Ben Jonson (1601-1602) -- XXXIII. Manningham's anecdote of Shakespeare and Burbage (1602) -- XXXIV. Shakespeare buys arable land in old Stratford (1602) -- XXXV. Shakespeare gets assurance of his title to new place (1602) -- XXXVI. Shakespeare buys a cottage and land opposite new place (1602) -- XXXVII. Shakespeare and his colleagues become the kings' servants (1603) -- XXXVIII. Camden Ranks Shakespeare among the English Immortals (1603) -- XXXIX. Grant of red cloth to Shakespeare as groom of the King's chamber (1604) -- XL. The king's players in attendance on the spanish ambassador (1604) -- XLI. Scoloker on 'Friendly Shakespeare's plays at court (1604-1605) -- XLII. The King's men perform Shakespeare's and his Hamlet (1604) -- XLIII. Bequest of a gold piece to shakespeare from Augustine Philips (1605) -- XLIV. Shakespeare purchases an interest in the Tithes of Stratford and Adjacent Villiages (1605) -- XLV. Marriage of Shakespeare's daughter, Susanna (1607) -- XLVI. Shakespeare at the hieght of his fame as a dramatist (1607) -- XLVII. Burial of Edmunc, Shakespeare's brother (1607) -- XLVIII. Baptism of Shakespeare's granddaughter (1608) -- XLIX. Burial of Shakespeare's mother (1608) -- L. Shakespeare's suit against John Addenbrooke of Stratford (1608-1609) -- LI. Complaint of Shakespeare and others to the Lord Chancellor regarding the Stratford Tithes (1609) -- LII. Shakespeare confirms and extends his purchase of land (1610) -- LIII. Shakespeare praised as a companion for a King (ca. 1611) -- LIV.Beaumont (?) in Praise of Shakespeare's lack of learning -- LV. Burial of Gilbert Shakespeare (1612) -- LVI. Shakespeare as witness in the Belottmount joy suit (1612) -- LVII. Burial of Richard, the Poet's brother (1613) -- LVIII. Shakespeare purchases a House in blackfriears, London (1613) -- LIX. Mortgage deed on the Blackfriars property (1613) -- LX. Shakespeare and Burbage Employed by the Earl of Rutland (1613) -- LXI. Thomas Freman's sonnet to Shakespeare (1614) -- LXII. Bequest to Shakespeare in John Combe's will (1614) --LXIII. Agreement protecting Shakespeare against loss of tithe income at Welcombe (1614) --LXIV. Notes of Thomas Greene Concerning Shakespeare's attitude toward enclosures at Welcombe (1614-1615) -- LXV. Friendly chancery suit of Shakespeare and others concerning property in blackfriars (1615) -- LXVI. Marriage of Shakespeare's younger daughter (1616) -- LXVII. Shakespeare's Will (1616) -- LXVIII. Shakespeare's death and burial (1616) -- LXIX. Introductory matter to the Shakespeare folio (1632) -- LXX. Ben Jonson on Shakespeare (1630?) -- Documents mentioning William Shakespeare which are either spurious or relating to a namesake of the poet -- The chief contemporary allusions to Shakespeare's plays -- The printing of Shakespeare's works -- Chronological matrical development -- Shakespeare's Theatres -- The personality of Shakespeare -- General index