Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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True Tales of the west

Published by : Castle (Secaucus, N.J.) Physical details: 476 p ISBN:58289. Year: 1985
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900 - 999 978 Tru (Browse shelf) Available In Memory of : Franklin Saunders 58289

Last war for the cattle range ; Billy the Kid--
a man all "bad" / Arthur Chapman --
Story of Montana / C.P. Connolly --
Heroes of the Gunnison Tunnel / A.W. Walker --
Taming the frontier / "Bucky" O'Neill --
Plains across / Norah Brooks --
Colorado glacier / Junius Henderson --
Flying down a fifty-mile flume / Bailey Millard --
Round table of Dodge City / E.G. Little --
Round-up days / Steward Edward White --
In the days of the Deadwood treasure coach / W.H. Taylor --
Timber titans / George Dollar --
Old régime in the Southwest / Albert E. Hyde --
Pioneer days in San Francisco / John Williamson Palmer --
Ranch life in the far west ; Home ranch ; Round-up / Theodore Roosevelt --
Custer's last battle / E.S. Godfrey.

Great northwest / Ray Stannard Baker --
Artist wanderings among the Cheyennes / Frederick Remington --
Treasures of the Yosemite / John Muir --
Pioneer mining in California / E.G. Waite --
Across the plains in the Donner Party 1846 / Virginia Reed Murphy --
General Miles's Indians campaigns / G.W. Baird --
Besieged by the Utes / E.V. Sumner --
First emigrant train to California / John Bidwell --
North American Indian of today / George Bird Grinnell --
Arizona episode / Pearl Heart --
Mountain of gold / C.S. Pelham-Clinton.

Articles by Theodore Roosevelt, Frederick Remington, C.P. Connolly, C.P. Chapman, Stewart Edward White and others vividly capture the excitement of the taming of the West, from Custer's Last Stand through the Great Northwest to San Francisco.