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Myth and the history of the Hispanic southwest

by Weber, David J.
Series: The Calvin P. Horn lectures in Western history and culture Published by : University of New Mexico Press (Albuquerque, NM) Physical details: 179 p ISBN:082631094X. ISSN:082631194 Year: 1988
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sw 900 - 999 972.1 Web (Browse shelf) Available In Memory of : Mary Lou Jack 58716

"University of New Mexico, November 8-11, 1987."

Introduction --
Reflections on Coronado and the myth of Quivira --
Fray Marcos de Niza and the historians --
Turner, the Boltonians, and the Spanish borderlands --
John Francis Bannon and the historiography of the Spanish borderlands: retrospect and prospect --
Mexico's far northern frontier, 1821-1854: Historiography askew --
"From hell itself": the Americanization of Mexico's northern frontier, 1821-1846 --
American westward expansion and the breakdown of relations between Pobladores and "Indios barbaros" on Mexico's far northern frontier, 1821-1846 --
Refighting the Alamo: mythmaking and the Texas revolution --
"Scarce more than apes": historial roots of Anglo-American stereotypes of Mexicans --

A collection of essays explores the complex ways that myth and history have interacted in the cultural memory of the Hispanic southwest.