Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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by McDaniel, Ruel
Published by : Southern Publishers (Kingsport, Tennessee ) Physical details: 143 p. ISBN:58822.
Subject(s): Bean, Roy -- 1903. | History.
Year: 1936
Tags from this library: No tags from this library for this title.

Kindred spirits --
He kills his first --
Gay caballero --
Hemp necktie --
Court opens --
Torres explodes --
Langtry is born --
Lily Langtry --
Mesquite calaboose --
Coroner de Luxe --
Necktie justice --
Torres effrontery --
Bean's bear --
..."better part of valor" --
Impresario extraordinary --
"Can do--
can undo" --

Roy Bean wrote deeply into the history of the Southwest. Without realizing that he was doing anything materially out of the ordinary, he established himself without authority, save his indomitable spirit and two six-guns, as Law in that vast and lawless domain between El Paso and the Pecos River and proceeded to live the most amazing career in the later history of the Southwest.