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Death of a peer

by Marsh, Ngaio
Published by : Book League of America (New York) Physical details: 374 p. Year: 1940
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Mysteries Book Cart Mar (Browse shelf) Available 59093

Roberta Grey had known the Lampreys in New Zealand. She loved them all, from Lord Charles, with his eyeglass and vague charm, down to the youngsters, Patch and Michael who hoped some day to be a detective. Especially, Roberta liked Henry, son and heir to an ancient name and a lot of modern debts.
To Roberta, London seemed very grim and gray. But her first glimpse of the Lampreys, in a crisis as usual, convinced her that the old wayward charm was unchanged.
Roberta had little time to savor her pleasure. For the clan of Lamprey, and perforce, Roberta, were caught up in a particularly vicious murder. The skewer with which it with which it was achieved was found in the flat. The victim was - but part of the very special fascination of this skillful tale lies in guessing upon which of the Lampreys murder will be done.
Once the corpse is properly laid out, there is always Inspector Alleyn, most agreeable of sleuths, to handle the case in the manner that Ngaio Marsh fans have come to expect and delight in.