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Leaves of grass

by Whitman, Walt frey50
Published by : Modern Library (New York) , 1891 Physical details: 423 p. ISBN:9781587298776 .
Subject(s): American Poetry
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[Book I.] Inscriptions; One's self I sing; As i ponder'd in silence; In cabin'd ships at sea; To foreign lands; to a historian; To thee old cause; Eidolions; For him I sing; When I read the book; Beginning my studies; Beginniners; To the states; On journeys throught the states; to a certain cantatrice; Me imperturbe; Savantism; The ship starting; I hear America siniging; What place is besieged?; Still though the one I song; Shut not your doors; Poets to come; To you; Thou reader -- [Book II] Starting from Paumanok -- [Book III] Song of myself -- [Book IV] Children of Adam; to the garden the world; From pent-up aching rivers; I sing the body electric; A woman waits for me; Spontaneous me; One hour to madness and joy; Out of the rolling ocean the crowd; Ages and ages returning at intervals; We two, how long we were fool'd; O hymen! O hymenee!; I am he that aches with love; Native moments; Once I pass'd through a poplous city; I heard you solemn-sweet pipes of the organ; Facing west from california'a shores; As Adam early in the morning -- [Book V.] Calamus; In paths untrodden; Scented herbage of my breast; Whoever you are holding me now in hand; For you, O democracy; These I singing in spring; Not heaving from my ribb'd breast only; Of the terrible doubt of appearances; The base of all metaphysics; Recorders ages hence; When I heard at the close of the day; Are you the new person drawn toward me?; Roots and leaves themselves alone; Not heat flames up and consumes; Trickle drops; City of Orgies; Behold this Louisiana a live-oak growing; To a stranger; This moment yearning and thoughtful; I hear it was charged against me; The prairie-grass dividing; When I peruse the conquer'd fame; We two boys together clinging; A promise to California; Here the frailes leaves of me; No labor-saving machine; A glimpse; A leaf for hand in hand; Earth, my likeness; I dream'd in a dream; What think you I take my pen in hand?; To the east and to the west; Sometimes with one I love; To a western boy; Fast-anchor'd eternal O love!; Among the multitude; O you whom I often and silently come; that shadow my likeness; Full of life now -- [Book VI] Salut au monde! -- [Book VII] Song of the open road -- [Book III] Crossing Brooklyn ferry -- [Book IX] Song of the answerer -- [Book X] Our old feuillage -- [Book XI] A song of joys --[Book XII] Song of the broad-axe -- [Book XIII] Song of the exposition -- [Book XIV] Song of the redwood tree -- [Book XV] A song for occupations -- [Book XVI] A song of the rolling earth; Youth, Day, old age and night [Book XVII] Birds of passage; Song of the universal; Pioneers! O pioneers!; To you; France [the 18th year of these states]; myself and mine; Year of meteors[1859-60]; With Antecedents -- [Book XVIII] A broadway pageant -- [Book XIX] Sea-Drift; Out of the cradle endlessly rocking; As I Ebb'd with the ocean of life; Tears; To the man of war bird; Aboard at a ship's helm; On the beach at night; The world below the brine; On the beach at night alone; Song for all seas, all ships; Patroling barnegat; After the sea ship -- [Book XX] By the roadside; A Boston Balled; Europe[the 72d and 73d years of these states]; A hand mirror; Gods; Germs; Thoughts; When I heard the Learn'd Astronomer; Perfections; O me! O me!; To a president; I sit and look out; to rich givers; The dalliance of the eagles; Roaming in thought; A farm picture; A child's amaze; The runner; Beautiful women; Mother and babe; Thought; Visor'd; Thought; Gliding O'er all; Hast never come to thee an hour; Thought; To old age; Locations and times; Offerings; To the states [to identify the 16th, 17th, or 18th presidentiad] -- [Book XXI] Drum-Taps; First O songs for a prelude; Eighteen sixty-one; Beat! Beat! Drums!; From paumanok starting I fly like a bird; Song of the banner at daybreak; Rise O days from your fathomless deeps; Virginia- the west; City of ships; The centenarian's story; Cavalry crossing a ford; Bivouac on a mountain side; An army corps on the march; By the bivoac's fitful flame; Come up from the fields father; Vigil strange I kept on the field one night; A march in the ranks hard-prest; A sight in camp in the daybreak gray and dim; As toilsome I wander'd Virginia's woods; Not the pilot; Year that trembled and reel'd beneath me; The wound dresser; Long, too long America; Five me the splendid silent sun; Dirge for two veterans; Over the carnage rose prophetic a voice; I saw old general at bay; The artilleryman's vision; Ethiopia saluting the colors; Not youth pertains to me; Race of veterans; World take good notice; O tan faced prairie boy; Look down fair moon; Reconciliation; How solemn as one by one; As i lay with my head in your lap camerado; Delicate cluster; To a certain civilian; Lo, Vietress on the peaks; Spirit whose work is done; Adieu to a soldier; Turn O libertad; To the leaven'd soil they trod -- [Book XXII] Memories of president Lincoln; When lilacs last in the dooryard bloom'd; O captain!My captain!; Hush'd be the camps today; This dust was once the man -- [Book XXIII] By blue Ontario's shore; Reversals -- [Book XXIV] Autumn rivulets; As consequent; The return of the heroes; There was a child went forth; Old Ireland; The city dead house; This compost; to a foil'd European revolutionaire; Unnamed lands; Song of Prudence; The singer in the prison; Warble for lilac time; outlines for a tomb; Out from behind this mask; Vocalism; To him that was crucified; You felons on trial in courts; Laws for creations; To a common prostitute; I was looking a long while; Thought; Miracles; Sparkles from the wheel; To a pupil; Unfolded out of the folds; What am I after all; Kosmos; Others may praise what they like; Who learns my lesson complete?; Tests; The torch; O star of France; The ox tamer; An old man's thought of school; wandering at morn; Italian music in Dakota; With all thy gifts; My picture gallery; The Prairie states -- Book XXV: Proud music of the storm -- Book XXVI: Passage to India -- Book XXVII: Prayer of Columbus -- Book XXVIII: The sleepers -- Book XXIX: To think of time -- Book XXX: Whistpers of Heavenly death; Darest thou now O soul; Whispers of Heavenly death; Chanting the square deific; Of him I love day and night; Yet, Yet, Ye downcast hours; As if a phantom caress'd me; Assurances; Quicksand years; That music always round me; What ship puzzled at sea; A noiseless patient spider; O living always, always dying; To one shortly to die; Night on the prairies; Thought; The last invocation; As I watch'd the Ploughman Ploughing; Pensive and faltering -- Book XXXI: Thou mother with they equa brood; A paumanok picture --Book XXXII: From noon to starry night; Thou orb aloft full dazzling; Faces; The mystic trumpeter; To a locomotive in winter; O magnet south; Mannahatta; All is truth; A riddle song; Excelsior; Ah poverites, wincings, and sulky retreats; Thougts; Mediums; Weave in, my hardy life; Spain, 1873-74; By broad potomac's shore; From far dakota's canons; Old war dreams; Thick sprinkled bunting; What best I see in thee; Spirit that form'd this scene; As I walk these broad majestic days; A clear midnight -- Book XXXIII: Songs of parting; As the time draws nigh; Years of the modern; Ashes of soldiers; Thoughts; song at sunset; As at they protals also death; My legacy; Pensive on her dead gazing; Camps of green; The sobbing of the bells; As they draw to a close; Joy, shipmate, joy!; The untold want; Portals; These carols; Now finale to the shore; So long!-- Book XXXIV: Sands at seventy; Mannahatta; Paumanok; From Montauk point; To those who've fail'd; A carol closing sixty-nine; The bravest soldiers; A font of type; As I sit writing here; My canary bird; queries to my seventieth year; The wallabout martyrs; The first dandelion; America; Memories; Today and thee; After the dazzle of day; Abraham Lincoln, born Feb. 12, 1809; Out of may's shows selected; Halcyon days; Fancies at Navesink; Election day, November, 1884; With husky-haughty lips, O sea!; Death of general Grant; Red Jacket (from aloft); Washington's Monument, Feb., 1885; Of that blithe throat of thine; Broadway; To get the final lilt of songs; Old salt kossabone the dead tenor; Continuities; Yonnondio; Life; "Going somewhere"; Small the theme of my chant; True conquerors; The United States to old world critics; The calming thought of all; thanks in old age; Life and death; The Voice of the rain; Soon shall the winter's foil be here; While not the past forgetting; The dying veteran; Stronger lessons; A prairie sunset; Twenty years; Orange buds by mail from Florida; Twilight; You lingering sparse leaves of me; Not meagre, latent boughs alone; The dead emperor; As the Greek's signal flame; The dismantled ship; Now precedent songs, farewell; An evening lull; Old age's lambent peaks; After the supper and talk -- Book XXXV: Good bye may fancy; Sail out for good, Eidolon Yacht; Lingering last drops; Good-bye my fancy; On, on the same, Ye Jucund Twain!; My 71st year; Apparitions; The pallid wreath; An ended day; Old age's ship & crafty death's; To the pending year; Shakspere-Bacon's Cipher; Long, Long, hence; Bravo, Paris exposition!; Interpolation sounds; To the sunset breeze; Old chants; A christmas greeting; Sound of the winter; A twilight song; When the full grown poet came; Osceola; A voice from death; A persian lesson; The commonplace; "The rounded catalogue divine complete" Mirages; L. of G's purport; The unexpress'd; Grand is the seen; Unseen buds; Goodbye my fancy!