"The voice from Paxos" by Jonathan Aaron -- "Evidence from a reporter's notebook' by Ai -- "Talking with poets" by Dick Allen -- "Bookmaking" by Julia Alvares -- "Cigarettes" by John Ash -- "Of dreams and dreaming" by John Ashbery -- "Great stone face" George Bradley -- "In memory of my father: Australia" Joseph Brodsky -- "Double sonnet for Mickey" By Gerald Burns -- "A whippoorwill in the woods" by Amy Clampitt -- "Blue lonely dreams" by Marc Cohen -- "Infernal regions and the invisible girl" by Alfred Corn -- "Desire" by Stephen Dobyns -- "Bringing it down" by Stephen Dunn -- "The recording angel" by Carolyn Forche -- "The fractal lanes" by Alice Fulton -- "Celestial music" by Louise Gliick -- "The phase after history" by Jorie Graham -- "The consolation of Boethius" by Melissa Green -- " The afterlife" by Debora Greger -- "Safe" by Linda Gregerson -- " The ether dome (An entertainment) " by Allen Grossman -- " The beautician" by Thom Gunn -- "Tubes" by Donald Hall -- "Garden" by Brooks Haxton -- "Who we are" by Daniel Hoffman -- "The see-saw" by John Hollander -- "Desire" by Paul Hoover -- "Second Nature" by Ron Horning -- "What word did the Greeks have for it?" by Richard Howard -- "The woods" Josephine Jacobsen -- "Body and soul" by Donald Justice -- "Elegy" Vickie Karp -- "A flower for the New Year" Robert Kelly -- "Let evening come" Jane Kenyon -- "The diva's first song (White's Hotel, London) by Karl Kirchwey -- "Marriage song" Carolyn Kizer -- "A time zone" by Kenneth Koch -- "Morning in America" by John Koethe -- "Work song" by Mark Levine -- "Dark songs: slave house and synagogue" by Laurence Lieberman -- "At the classics teacher's" by Elizabeth Macklin -- "An essay on friendship" by J. D. McClatchy -- "Smash and scatteration" by James McManus -- " The 'Ring' Cycle" by James Merrill -- "Sky of clouds" by Susan Mitchell -- "Benedick's complaints: Much ado about nothing" by Gary Mitchner -- "Protracted Episode" by A.F. Moritz --
Lunchcounter freedom" by Thylias Moss -- "Edward Hopper's nighthawks, 1942" by Joyce Carol Oates --"Chronic Meanings" by Bob Perelman -- "Evidence"
by Robert Polito -- "Night subway" by Katha Pollitt -- "Into the Open" by Susan Prospere -- "The new reforms" by Jack Roberts --"Merlin" by David St. John -- "Two poems" by Sherod Santos -- "Leaves" by Lloyd Schwartz "Past lives" Robyn Selman -- "The seasons" by David Shapiro -- "Living Color" by Laurie Sheck -- "Country fair" by Charles Simic -- "The wounds" by David R. Slavitt -- "The woman as figure" by Charlie Smith -- "The Haiku Master" by Elizabeth Spires -- "For seven women" by Ruth Stone -- "War movie: Last leave, 1944" by Patricia Storace -- "I am a finn" by James Tate -- "Reminiscence forward" by Molly Tenenbaum -- "Reruns" by David Trinidad -- "Revenge" by Chase Twichell -- "Omeros" by Derek Walcott -- "Song" by Rosanna Warren -- "Lasting influence" by Susan Wheeler -- "Reading Lao Tzu again in the New Year" by Charles Wright