Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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Wind in a jar

by Farella, John R.
Published by : UNM Press (Albuquerque, NM) Physical details: xv, 164 p. ISBN:0826314074; 9780826314079. Year: 1993
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sw 300 - 399 306.01 Far (Browse shelf) Available 64486

This is a book about anthropology & particularly about doing fieldwork among the Navajo. It is ultimately a book about knowing & thinking about people & their experiences, but at its most basic level it is a book of stories about some Navajo people, their families, & some of their experiences. To introduce these stories, the author tells us a good deal about his own experiences in his profession, anthropology. When he is talking about Navajo people we experience their humanity & his, all of it in a remarkably direct prose style. An incredibly powerful book that is also a critique of contemporary American society & Western thought.