Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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by Lampton, Christopher
Published by : Millbrook Press (Brookfield, Connecticut) Physical details: 47 p. ISBN:1562943170.
Subject(s): Famine
Year: 1994
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j 300 - 399 j363.8 Lam (Browse shelf) Available 66366
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j363.73840974798 Bry Love Canal: j363.7386 Mil Acid Rain j363.739409162 Hog Dying Oceans j363.8 Lam Famine j363.8 Sta Food and drink j364.106 Bla Organized Crime \ j364.1097471 Shi 1993 World Trade Center bombing

This book investigates the causes and effects of famine, gives accounts of famines throughout history and presents ways in which famines can be prevented.

9 - 12 years