The Best Plays of 1958-1959
Series: the Burns Mantle yearbook Published by : Dodd, Mead & Company (New York) Physical details: 405 pItem type | Current location | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode |
Basement | 808.82 Bes (Browse shelf) | Available | 28213 |
Includes Index
Contains the following plays, abridged: Touch of the poet, by E. O'Neill; Pleasure of his company, by S. Taylor; Epitaph for George Dillon, by J. Osbourne and A. Creighton; The disenchanted, by B. Schulberg and H. Breit; Cold wind and the warm, by S.N. Behrman; J.B., by A. MacLeish; Requiem for a nun, by R. Ford and W. Faulkner; Sweet bird of youth, by T. Williams; Raisin in the sun, by L. Hansberry; Kataki, by S. Wincelberg.
A touch of the poet : a play in four acts / by Eugene O'Neill --
The pleasure of his company : a play in two acts / by Samuel Taylor ; with Cornelia Otis Skinner --
Epitaph for George Dillon : a play in three acts / by John Osbourne and Anthony Creighton --
The disenchanted : a play in three acts / by Budd Schulberg and Harvey Breit --
The cold wind and the warm : a play in three acts / by S.N. Behrman --
J.B. : a play in two acts / by Archibald MacLeish --
Requiem for a nun : a play in three acts / by Ruth Ford and William Faulkner ; based on the novel by Mr. Faulkner --
Sweet bird of youth : a play in three acts / by Tennessee Williams --
A raisin in the sun : a play in three acts / by Lorraine Hansberry --
Kataki : ("the enemy") : a play in two acts / by Shimon Wincelberg.