Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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In the current of the Revolution

by Roosevelt, Theodore
Series: The winning of the West v. 2 Published by : Current Literature Publishing Company (New York) Physical details: 331 p
Subject(s): 1775-1783 | History -- 1775-1783 | |
Year: 1905
Tags from this library: No tags from this library for this title.
Item type Current location Call number Status Notes Date due Barcode
Basement 976.3 Roo (Browse shelf) Available In Memory of : C.N. Blackwell 14165

The Battle of the Great Kanawha; and Logan's Speech, 1774
Boone and the settlement of Kentucky, 1775
In the current of the Revolution- The Southern Backwoodsmen overwhelm the Cherokees, 1776
Growth and Civil organization of Kentucky, 1776
The war in the Northwest, 1777-1778
Clark's conquest of the Illinois, 1778
Clark's Campaign against Vincennes, 1779
Continuance of the struggle in Kentucy and the Northwest, 1779-1781
Appendices : A, B, C, D and E