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One Hundred Non-Royalty One Act Plays

by 20160731 frey50
, 100 Non-Royalty One Act Plays
Additional authors: Compiled -- Kozlenko, William
Published by : Grosset & Dunlap (New York) , 1940 Physical details: 802 p.
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Women in council / E. Starkey- Do Unto Others / J. Dyer Kuenstler- And no birds sing / Mary Keith Cox- Title Go / Eugene Shumate- The long retreat / Julius Saltzman- Second Honeymoon / Claire G. Sifton- Good-bye to the Lazy K / Robert Finch- Death comes to my friends / Carl Dollman- The man in the fur cap / Frances Witherspoon- Best Friend Graduates / Lettie C. Van Derveer- Mildred is my name / Spranger Barry- The Fallen Bough / E. Harriett Donlevy- Who stand and wait / Knox Herold- Escape / Matthew F. Christopher- Day for Truants / Janet Wood- Souls at Sea / James Brown- Calling Mr. and Mrs. America / Cecile Belle Adam- Lo, The Guant Wolf / M. G. Elsey- Library open hours / Susan Welty- Indian Summer / Betty Brydon Beecher- The other mother / Esther C. Averill- The Darkest Night / Sylvia Sherman Pitkin- In the Merry Month of May / May Emery Hall- The last one / Bessie F. Collins- The third plate / May Emery Hall- Jade / Laura Andrews Fowler- Even exchange / Paul S. McCoy- Saturday Supplement / Edward R. Murkland- Mind over matter / E. Starkley- Primary Day / Viola Oliver- Quarantine / Susan Welty- Bitter Wine / Marian Maynard Phypers- The Parrot / Bernard Sobel- An empty Gesture / Mary Graham Lund- Phoebe Louise / Bernard Sobel- Pierrot, poltroon / Mary Graham Lund- Jilted / Mary Graham Lund- Company House / Sigmund A. Stoler- The Byronic / Carl Edwin Varney- Escape by Moonlight / Kenneth Crotty- Night Call / Clayton Cheney- Progress in the air / Marjorie M. Palmer- The bird on Nellie's hat / Donald Vining- Rehearsal / Margaret P. Browne- The desire of all nations: Egypt, Babylon, Greece, The World, The Nativity / Ivy Bolton- Halves! / Margaret P. Browne- Unto Bethlehem / Lucy Wetzel McMillin- Oh, say, can you sing! / Sprnger Barry- Too many hands on a watch / William H. Morgan- Youth adds a dash of pepper / M. G. Elsey- Low Bridge / Grace B. Gravatt- The ghost of green mansion / Clarice wardall- Yesterday's Ration / M. G. Elsey- David / Leslie Hollingsworth- Sixteen / Edward L. Moynahan- Fortune is a cowboy / M. G. Elsey- Mama goes to the convention / Thelma fick hunt- This lad George / Lettie C. Van Derveer- Virginia Creeper / Helene S. Bamberger- vacation Memories / Marjorie M. Palmer- The Kingdom of Happiness / Ivy Bolton- Our country / Sue Davidson- The floating branch / Howard Frederic Addleston- Tempest over a tea-cup / Helene S. Bamberger- The pied peper of healthy town / Alberta W. Constant- Danger over dumpling / Erich T. Griebling- Zelda / Helene S. Bamberger- The elves and the shoemaker / Majorie M. Palmer- The fate of greedy Gus / Lucile Crites- The Gift Perfect / Evelyn Wentworth Billings- King Cole's court / Helen S. Bamberger- Rainbow gold / Joel peters- The truth fairy and the magic ink / Lucile crites- Exit the queen / Laura Andrews Fowler- Marybell / Helene S. Bamberger- The discovery of America / Marjorie M. Palmer- Red Riding Hood / Tony Sarg and Anne Stoddard- Flopodopolus / Helene S. Bamberger- Bumpingjump steps into legend / Marie McCall- The Easter Rabbit / Marjorie M. Palmer- Hansel and Gretel / Tony Sarg and Anne Stoddard- A Christmas Miracle / Anna Hempstead Branch- Where the cross was made / Douglas Bronston- Dorothy C. Clahoun : The declaration of independence- The winning of Ohio- Braddock's Defeat- The luck of roaring camp- The autocrat of the breakfast table- The fall of the house of usher- The legend of sleepy hollow- When lincoln came to pittsburgh- Typee

This book of more than 700 pages is the most comprehensive and varied collection of one-act plays ever issued in a single volume. Every one of the 100 plays included may be performed by amateur groups without payment of any royalty fees whatsoever.