Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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by Quick, Amanda
Published by : Bantam Books, (New York ) Physical details: 371 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN:055329315X . Year: 1992
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Fiction Book Cart Qui (Browse shelf) Available 70736
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Qui Mystique Qui Seduction Qui Desire Qui Reckless Qui Surrender Qui Ravished Qui Dangerous

Reckless--Phoebe Layton had always imagined Gabriel Banner a brave and valiant knight, which was why she went to him when she was in desperate need of help. but when she lures her shining knight to a lonely midnight rendezvous, Phoebe finds herself sparring with a dangerously desirable man who is nothing like the hero of her dreams. She fears she's made a dreadful mistake when Gabriel sweeps her into his arms and passionately embraces her. Yet it's a kiss that seals her fate. Now Gabriel must possess her -- even if he has to slay a dragon to do it!