Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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by Parker, Robert B.
Edition statement:Large print ed. Published by : Paragon Large Print, (Hampton, N.H. :) Physical details: 214 p. (large print) 24 cm. ISBN:0792717252 (softcover).
Subject(s): Large type books. | Maine -- Fiction.
Year: 1979
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Large Print Fiction Book Cart Par (Browse shelf) Available 70740

Aaron Newman, a respected writer, witnesses how a woman is shot and killed in bright daylight, and goes to the police. He can identify the perpetrator as Adolph Karl, a brutal gangster against who the police have never found any proof. A few hours later Newman arrives at his home and finds his wife Janet tied up in the bedroom: an unmistakable threat. Newman withdraws his statement, but realizes that, even if he keeps silent, he is a constant danger to Adolph Karl. So he decides to act: together with his wife and Chris Hood, a war veteran, he plans a murderous chase in the wilderness of North America...