Foreward by Peter Haining; Introduction; Chapter I. Is it the ghost?; Chapter II The new margarita; Chapter III Why the managers resigned; Chapter IV Box 5; Chapter V The enchanted violin; Chapter VI A visit to box 5; Chapter VII The fatal perfomance; Chapter VIII the mysterious Brougham; Chapter IX At the masked ball; Chapter X 'Forget the man's voice!"; Chapter XI Above the trap-doors; Chapter XII Apollo's Lyre; Chapter XIII A masterstroke; Chapter XIV The safety-pin; Chapter XV 'Christine! Christine!' Chapter XVI Mame Giry and the ghost; Chapter XVII The safety-pin; Chapter XVIII The commissary of police; Chapter XIX the viscount and the persian; Chapter XX In the cellars of the opera; Chapter XXI Vicissitudes of a Persian; Chapter XXII In the torture chamber; Chapter XXIII The tortures begin; Chapter XXIV 'Barrela! Barrela!'; Chapter XXV Which shall she turn?; Chapter XXVI The end of the ghost; Epilogue; Appendix
A disfigured musical genius who lives beneath the Paris Opera House falls in love with a beautiful soprano and, in his desperation to have his love returned, embarks on some terrifying means towards that end.