Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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Basic Writings of C. G. Jung

by Jung, Carl Gustav
Published by : Modern Library (New York ) Physical details: 552 p. ISBN:9780394603001; 0394603001. Year: 1959
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100 - 199 Book Cart 131.34 Jun (Browse shelf) Available 30343

Part I. on the nature and functioning of the psyche
Symbols of transformation - On the nature of the psyche -The relations between the ego and the unconscious - Psychological types - Archetypes of the collective unconscious - Psychological aspects of the mother archetype
Part II. on pathology and therapy
On the nature of dreams - On the psychogenesis of schizophrenia - psychology of the transference
Part III. on the religious function
Introduction to the religious and psychological problems of alchemy - Psychology and religion
Part IV. on human development
marriage as a psychological relationship
Bibliographical note

Contains major essays on Jung's conception of the nature and functioning of the human psyche