Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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"To the best of my ability"

Edition statement:1st American ed. Published by : Dorling Kindersley, (New York :) Physical details: 480 p. : ill. (some col.), col. maps ; 25 cm. ISBN:0789450739 (alk. paper). Year: 2000
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900 - 999 973.099 To (Browse shelf) Available In Memory of : Aniseto "Cheto" Calderon 77166

"An Agincourt Press production."

"The Society of American Historians."

Includes index.

The presidents. George Washington / Gordon S. Wood ; John Adams /
The campaigns and inaugural addresses. James M. Banner, Jr. ; Thomas Jefferson /
Joseph J. Ellis ; James Madison /
Jack N. Rakove ; James Monroe /
Jack N. Rakove ; John Quincy Adams /
John Patrick Digins ; Andrew Jackson /
Robert V. Reminini ; Martin Van Buren /
Richard M. Pious ; William Henry Harrison /
Daniel Walker Howe ; John Tyler /
Richard M. Pious ; James K. Polk /
Thomas Fleming ; Zachary Taylor /
Catherine Clinton ; Millard Fillmore /
Jean Harvey Baker ; Franklin Pierce /
James A. Rawley ; James Buchanan /
Jean Harvey Baker ; Abraham Lincoln /
James M. McPherson ; Andrew Johnson /
Hans L. Trefousse ; Ulysses S. Grant /
Michael Les Benedict ; Rutherford B. Hayes /
James A. Rawley ; James A. Garfield /
Ari Hoogenboom ; Chester A. Arthur /
Bernard A. Weisberger ; Grover Cleveland /
Vincent P. De Santis ; Benjamin Harrison /
Catherine Clinton ; William McKinley /
Morton Keller ; Theodore Roosevelt /
Allen Weinstein ; William Howard Taft /
Mark C. Carnes ; Woodrow Wilson /
James Chace ; Warren G. Harding /
Morton Keller ; Calvin Coolidge /
Robert Cowley ; Herbert Hoover /
Robert Dallek ; Franklin D. Roosevelt /
Susan Ware ; Harry S. Truman /
Allen Weinstein ; Dwight D. Eisenhower /
Herbert S. Parmet ; John F. Kennedy /
Richard Reeves ; Lyndon B. Johnson /
Robert Dallek ; Richard M. Nixon /
Tom Wicker ; Gerald R. Ford /
Laura Kalman ; Jimmy Carter /
Douglas Brinkely ; Ronald Reagan /
James T. Patterson ; George Bush /
Herbert S. Parmet ; Bill Clinton /
Evan Thomas --

The presidents. George Washington / Gordon S. Wood ; John Adams / James M. Banner, Jr. ; Thomas Jefferson / Joseph J. Ellis ; James Madison / Jack N. Rakove ; James Monroe / Jack N. Rakove ; John Quincy Adams / John Patrick Digins ; Andrew Jackson / Robert V. Reminini ; Martin Van Buren / Richard M. Pious ; William Henry Harrison / Daniel Walker Howe ; John Tyler / Richard M. Pious ; James K. Polk / Thomas Fleming ; Zachary Taylor / Catherine Clinton ; Millard Fillmore / Jean Harvey Baker ; Franklin Pierce / James A. Rawley ; James Buchanan / Jean Harvey Baker ; Abraham Lincoln / James M. McPherson ; Andrew Johnson / Hans L. Trefousse ; Ulysses S. Grant / Michael Les Benedict ; Rutherford B. Hayes / James A. Rawley ; James A. Garfield / Ari Hoogenboom ; Chester A. Arthur / Bernard A. Weisberger ; Grover Cleveland / Vincent P. De Santis ; Benjamin Harrison / Catherine Clinton ; William McKinley / Morton Keller ; Theodore Roosevelt / Allen Weinstein ; William Howard Taft / Mark C. Carnes ; Woodrow Wilson / James Chace ; Warren G. Harding / Morton Keller ; Calvin Coolidge / Robert Cowley ; Herbert Hoover / Robert Dallek ; Franklin D. Roosevelt / Susan Ware ; Harry S. Truman / Allen Weinstein ; Dwight D. Eisenhower / Herbert S. Parmet ; John F. Kennedy / Richard Reeves ; Lyndon B. Johnson / Robert Dallek ; Richard M. Nixon / Tom Wicker ; Gerald R. Ford / Laura Kalman ; Jimmy Carter / Douglas Brinkely ; Ronald Reagan / James T. Patterson ; George Bush / Herbert S. Parmet ; Bill Clinton / Evan Thomas --
The campaigns and inaugural addresses.

An illustrated look at the forty-two men who have served as President of the United States describes the campaigns, elections, administration, events, and legacy of each of America's leaders, from Washington to Clinton.