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A Field Guide to North American Birders :

by Harmon, Margaret, frey50
Edition statement:Berkley trade pbk. ed. Published by : Berkley Books, (New York, N.Y. :) , 2001 Physical details: 113 p. ISBN:0425178358 (pbk.). ISSN:978042517
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Acknowledgments - Map of North America - Part 1 - Part 2 -Part 3

Part I : Birder-watching Using this guide - Anatomy of a birder - Birder songs and calls - Stages of a birder - Birder Maturation - Attacting Birders to your yard - Identifying birders

Part II : Birders described and illustrated Early birder Podilymbus aurora - Worldwide Fulmar Fulmarus terrarum - Blue-shoed Booby Sula erratosa - Great Gracious Heron Ardea suaviloquens - Queen Eider Somateria regina - Family Mergansers Mergus familiellus - Car plovers Charadrius sedentus - Loner Yellowlegs Tringa separata and Silent sandpiper Calidris tacita - Medical tern Sterna medica - Underemployed Raorbill Alca furiosa - Gregarious Eagle Auila amica - Big birder Haliaeetus felix - Thin-skinned hawk Accipiter membrana - Competitive Falcon Falco competitor - Steadfast quail Callipepla fida - Duhrect Dove Zenaida oblibiosa - Greatest roadrunner Geococcyx maximus - Great helpful owl Bubo adiuto - Theorying owl Athene cogitatio - Tomboy swift Chaetura libera - Ruby-lipped hummingbird Archilochus caelestis - Paradoxical woodpecker Melanerpes contrarius - Future Kingbird Tyrannus futurus - Frugal phoebe Sayornis parsimonia - Opinionated Jay Cyanocitta opinionata - Host Wren Campylorhynchus hostus - Saturday morning kinglet Regulus satrapa saturdiurnalia - Audubon's solitaire Myadestes auduboni - Laser-tongued shrikes Lanius acerbus - Essential mockingbird Mimus necessitas - Bavarian waxing Bombycilla elegans - Scope-weaseling Wabler Dendroican turnivora - Paintable bunting Passerina pictura - Well-married towhees Pipilo connubialis - Mystical meadowlark Sturnella mystica - Mouse finch Carpodacus timidus - Soiree Grosbeak Coccothraustes socialis

Part III : Support for the serious Birder-watcher Getting serious - Birder-watching equipment - American Birder-watching Society (ABS) Code of Ethics - American birder-watching society decal - American Birder-watching Society's rules for counting birders - A birder-watcher's big year - Prevention of common birder-watching injuries - conservation note - North American checklist of the American Birder-watching society - field notes.

Why watch a bunch of silly birds when you can watch a bunch of silly birdwatchers? That's the basis of this hilarious parody by Margaret Harmon.