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Field days

by 20160731 frey50
Published by : Chelsea Green Publishing Company (White River Junction, Vt. ) , 1999 Physical details: 159 p. 22 cm. ISBN:189013225X (alk. paper). ISSN:978189013
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The poems, A-Z by title; Advice; An epitaph at Great torrington, devon; April; As I watch'd the ploughman ploughing; Barrow; The barrow; Beggar's Luck; Black Furrow, Gray Furrow; Bread and butter letter; The bright field; Brockhampton; Brown earth look; Burning off; By railthrought the earthly paradise, perhaps bedfordshire; Teh cabbage field; Childhood memory; The clover fields; 'Consider the lilies of the field; Cornish acre; Cowslips and larks; Cynddylan on a tractor; The earthworm; Enlish wild flowers; A farm picture; Farmworker; A field; A field in June; The field ; the field; Field and forest; Field day; Field names; The field, tomorrow; Fieldwalking; Flints; Friendly are meadows; Gander down; Glanmore sonnets I; The gleaner; Grasshoppers; A happy life; Hares at play; Hares boxing; Harvest; Harvest; Harvest; Harvest at Mynachlog; Harvest hymn; Hay; Haymaking; Hertfordshire; The hill field; Home-Field; Home-thoughts, from abroad; Horses; Hunting pheasants in a cornfield; I got two vields; 'I grant indeed that fields and flocks have charms' from the village; 'In a summer season when the sun was mild' from the vision of piers plowman; In December; 'In early spring, when the ice on the snowy mountains' from the Georgies; In flanders fields; In summer; 'In that open field' from 'East Coker'; In the fallow field; In teh fields; the invisible globe; John Barleycorn; The land; the licorice fields at Pontefract; Linum; Lost Acres; The mare; Meadow in Drought; To Meddowes; Millom Cricket field; The mores; Mowing; My meadow; Naming the field; Neutral; The new cemetery; New crops; No sprinkling of bright weeds; Notes on a field-map; O ubi campi!; The old showfield; On merrow down; On the grasshopper and cricket; On the hill; Over the fields; Pasturelands; Pied Beauty; Ploughing; Ploughing the roughlands; The ploughman; Ploughman, ploughman; Ploughman and Whales; A poet visits; Teh poplar-field; Question in a field; Rhubarb Rhubarb; Riley; St. Luke's summer; Scarecrow; Scything; September; Skylark; The sky lark; The soldier; song; Stacking the straw; Struggling wheat; Stubble fires; The sun used to shine; They are ploughing; The thing in the gap-stone stile; Thistle; Three kinds of pleasures; 'Through all the meadows'; To a fat lady seen from the Train; to a mouse; Turnip-heads; 'Up on the downs'; Up there; The viking field; A voice of summer; Waiting for the harvester; Waling on sunday; Watercolour of Grantchester meadows; We field women; 'We have walked so many times, my boy'; Woman in a mustard field;

This anthology of poetry which celebrates fields, compiled by Common Ground, forms part of Common Groundas campaign to encourage greater awareness and celebration of the field a commonplace but much undervalued part of our countryside which demonstrates the relationship between nature and culture over thousands of years.