Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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So what else is new?

by Golden, Harry frey50
Published by : G. P. Putnam's Son (New York) , 1964 Physical details: 312 p.
Subject(s): Civilization -- United States
Tags from this library: No tags from this library for this title.

American and the Evil eye Repartee - So what else is new? - Point of information - John Steinbeck's Okies - Mitch miller's men - Winner by a mule - Charcoal steaks - Some notes in passing - Self-esteem - Rapid reading - America and the evil eye - Sex - Frau Haydn and the Soviet - Women and the menu - The short, cool summers - Circumventing the censors - On getting old - The futility of war - Machismo - Passion in perspective - The doors we open - Joy and sorrow - Moral effect of the gutter - The reitred - Waiting on a man - Uncle Hymie and best-sellers - For anonymous callers - Chicken soup vs. peanut butter - True short stories - Etiquette for teen-agers - Eisenhower and the moon - A secret therapy - Woman's saga - Troubled sons and daughters - Mothers and daughters - The emancipated woman - Soon, the spring - We think we are immortal - Churchill

Sojourner truth and Gene Young Sojourner truth and Gene Young - the negro riots in the north - Walter Lippmann was born smart - Police work in Camden - The thirsty gamble - Subtleties of segregation - Committe of one - Atlanta's acheivement - Negro anti-semites - Intergration: $150,000 per man -No place to roost - Who pays the highest rent? - Sterilization in Mississippi - To be where the people are - The true victor - The segregationist women - For the blind - Believing is seeing - What happened to Leonard Goldstein? - The joys of Alabama - Learning at long distance - Teddy's stand - We all look like Davy Crockett - The happy impostor - Interracial gesture - The end of caste?

The D.A.R. and the U.N. Liberals and conservatives - Lyndon B. Johnson - Campaign against poverty - The case of John Henry Faulk - The far right - One thing leads to another - The D.A.R. and the U.N. - Perpetual drowning - Long live de Gaulle - Jefferson and Cousin Wayland - Pappas, Leb, and Wong - Woes of the political women - Narrow boundaries of concern - Wanting to be president - Clear and parly cloudy - Mr. Nixon and crisis - North Carolina politics

In behalf of ice-cream bells The American way of life - Back to school - The ice-cream vendors - On Medicare - Labor unions and the South - Immigration and the United States - Ticker tape on Broadway - Las Vegas: anothre moon - Ther farm problem - Geese vs. men - Of the same blood - the Southern wife - Distillers to the rescue - Only in California - the sad season - Only in America - Brrrummmmm! - Dixie dictionary - Woes of the middle class - The switcheroo Ridgid education - Where are the names of yesteryear? - Auntie's boon - anothr hunger - Harry Golden, Jr. and the Detroit pharmacists - The New York World's Fair

Scrubbed floors and free enterprise Scrubbed floors - The suspender peddlers - Bronco Billy - Mouthfull of kosher Sapolio - Free enterprise - Bat Masterson's last posse - When school was out - The trunk and rose-water - Sitting on the stove - Knishes - Christmas at P.S. 20 - DeWitt Clinton High School - the Bowery - Good-bye Charlie - the one-dollar tip - The beginning of prejudice - My mother's world - Sleds on the East side - Painless Parker - From charlotte russe to baba au rum - Wehere is Gentle Gussie?

Concert on Elizabeth Avenue Concert on Elizabeth Avenue - The probation officers - Pope Paul VI and Israel - My critics - Beware the Latin American - Charles Laughton in Staratford - Returning the visit of Sheba - Excavation in Israel - St. Joseh's Church - My degree at Belmont Abbey - Uplifting the Russians - California, Cuba, and the Chinese - Eddie Cantor grows younger - Enjoying the scenery - A walk in Teheran - Living to 120 years - The rabbi writes

Boxcar Annie, the Beatles and Puccini The Beatles - A last visit with John F. Kennedy - Jack Johnson - The "Eleanor Club" - Pope John XXIII - Adlai E. Stevenson - Rossini and Puccini - Tennessee Williams - Jacqueline - Pasternak's peddler - Dr. James Parkes - Boxcar Annie - Jack Teagarden - Mrs. Seymour remembers

From King Kong to Stravinsky Shakespeare's anniversary - the lobster form the deep - Classroom prayers - Nostalgia and sentimentality - The low state of high school - The Revolution's last Battle - Computers and history - Last laugh in Luxembourg - Stravinsky and cricket - Hot dogs for three cents - The talk of nations - Five O'clock teas - Caruso and Barrymore - The emperor in error

The eleventh lost tribe of Isreal Judaism, Christianity, and communism - The eleventh Lost Tribe of Isreal - Causerie and Germany - Wisdom of the Navajo - Chinatown - The robes of office - The Irish and marriage - Research on the lone Jew - Chess players and violinistes - These Hungarians - Jewish converts soar - Latin honesty

More Complaints and free advice How to read a book, and why - Let's hedge the space bet - Who owns TV? - I miss the family fight - Everything's the best - Is Marvin a dope? - How to win the pennant - Teachers need prayer - The ugliest word - The lazy words - Sleep - TV commercials - Hubcaps and marriage - The integrity of the post office - Uses of the newspaper - Immigrants and pioneers - Strontium 90 - Go south, young man, go south

In this latest popourri of seriousness and fun are reflections on getting old, the evil eye, the emancipated woman, medicare, the New Your World's fair, Kknishes, the Black Muslims, Lyndon B. Johnson, The Beatles, a last vist with John F. Kennedy, Tennessee Williams, Jacqueline, classroom prayers, chicken soup vs peanut butter, the far right, subtleties of Segragation, the joys of Alabama, the suspender peddlers, my critics, Las Vegas: Another moon, only in California, and numerous other subjects of interest to every Amerincan