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Goddesses In Older Women :

by Bolen, Jean Shinoda
Edition statement:1st Quill ed. Published by : Quill, (New York ) Physical details: xxvii, 227 p. 24 cm. ISBN:0060929235. Year: 2002
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100 - 199 Book Cart 155.67082 Bol (Browse shelf) Available 81437
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155.6 Nor Women who love too much : 155.633 Ler Dance of intimacy : 155.633 Wit Female Stress Syndrome 155.67082 Bol Goddesses In Older Women : 155.9042 Gra Why Mars & Venus collide 155.9042 Kab Wherever you go, there you are : 155.92 Sch Gift of forgiveness

Introduction: How to be a Juicy Crone
Part 1. Her Name Is Wisdom
Goddess of Practical and Intellectual Wisdom. Metis in the Belly of Zeus
Goddess of Mystical and Spiritual Wisdom. Sophia Hidden in the Bible
Goddess of Intuitive and Psychic Wisdom. Hecate at the Fork in the Road
Goddess of Meditative Wisdom. Hestia as the Fire at the Center of the Hearth
Part 2. She is More ... than Wisdom
Goddesses of Transformative Wrath: Her Name if Outrage. Sekhmet, the Ancient Egyptian Lionheaded Goddess. Kali-Ma, Hindu Destroyer Goddess
Goddesses of Healing Laughter: Her Name is Mirth. Bawdy Baubo. Uzume, the Japanese Goddess of Mirth and Dance
Goddesses of Compassion: Her Name is Kindness. Kuan Yin, She-Who-Harkens-to-the-Cries-of-the-World. The Virgin Mary and Lady Liberty
Part 3. She Is a Goddess Growing Older: Goddesses in Everywoman, Revisited
Artemis, the Goddess of the Hunt and Moon. Sister, Feminist, Goal Achiever
Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom and Crafts. Strategist, Warrior, Craftswoman
Hestia, the Goddess of the Hearth and Temple. Hearthkeeper, Anonymous Woman
Hera, the Goddess of Marriage. Archetype of the Wife
Demeter, the Goddess of Grain. The Mother Archetype
Persephone, the Maiden and Queen of the Underworld. Eternal Girl, Inner Guide
Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love and Beauty. Lover, Creative Woman
Part 4. She Is a Circle
Circles of Wisewomen. Clan Mothers, Grandmother Circles, Crone Circles
Conclusion: This Is Act III

At some point after fifty, every woman crosses a threshold into the third phase of her life. As she enters this uncharted territory one that is generally celebrated in popular culture- she can choose to mourn what has gone before or she can embrace the juicy-crone years.
In this celebration of Act Three, Jean Shinoda Bolen, Jungian analyst and bestselling author of Goddesses in everywoman, names the powerful new energies and potentials-or archetyes-that come into the psyche at this momentous time, suggesting that women getting older have profound and exciting reasons for welcoming the other side of fifty.