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The war on terrorism

Additional authors: Young, Mitchell -- Ed. | Leone, Daniel -- Ed. | Szumski, Bonnie -- Ed. | Barbour, Scott -- Ed.
Series: Turning points in world history Published by : Greenhaven Press (San Diego) Physical details: 224 p. map ; 23 cm. ISBN:0737714700 (lib. : alk. paper); 0737714719 (pbk. : alk. paper). ISSN:978073771 Year: 2003
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Includes bibliographical references and index.

Foreword --
Introduction --
1. Events leading up to September 11 --
U.S. policy in Afghanistan created conditions for the growth of terrorist groups / Ahmed Rashid ; U.S. military and economic power caused resentment among Muslims / Paul R. Pillar ; Misguided U.S. policies in the Middle East created the problem of Islamic terrorism / John Tirman --
2. Debating the war on terrorism --
War on terror is a revolutionary struggle / Michael Ledeen ; America should not respond to terrorism with military force / Progressive ; Opponents of the war on terrorism are misguided / Mark Steyn ; Official justifications for the war on terrorism are false / Rahul Mahajan ; War on terrorism is a struggle for the future shape of the world / Gregory R. Copley --
3. Domestic antiterrorism efforts --
Intelligence and law enforcement are key tools in fighting terrorism / Jeffrey D. Simon ; Domestic antiterrorism measures may endanger civil liberties / Robert Dreyfus ; Freedom vs. security / Fareed Zakariah --
4. Next phase : how should the war proceed? --
War on terrorism will require a lighter, more agile military / Jason Vest ; Long-term strategy is needed in the war on terrorism / Charles L. Armstrong ; War on terror must target militant Islam / Daniel Pipes ; United States should maintain a long-term military presence in Central Asia / Charles Fairbanks ; War on terrorism should extend to Iraq / Gary Schmitt.

Presents a collection of articles covering a variety of topics about the War on Terrorism.