French explorations and settlements in North America, and those of the Portuguese, Dutch, and Swedes, 1500-1700
Series: Narrative and critical history of America Volume 4 Published by : Houghton Mifflin and Company (Boston, Mass) Physical details: 516 p.Item type | Current location | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode |
Basement | R970 Fre (Browse shelf) | Available | 82463 |
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Phyiography of North America / Nathaniel S. Shaler --
Cortereal, Verrazano, Gomez, Thevet / George Dexter --
Jacques Cartier and his successors / Benjamin F. De Costa --
Champlain / Edmund F. Slafter --
Acadia / Charles C. Smith --
Discovery along the Great Lakes / Edeard D. Neill --
The Jesuits, Recollects, and the Indians / John Gilmary Shead --
Frontenac and his times / George Stewart, Jr. --
New Netherland, or the Dutch in North America / Berthold Fernow --
New Sweden, of the Swedes in Delaware / Gregory B. Keen.