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The Virginians

by Thackeray, W.M.
Series: The complete works of William Makepeace Tharkeray 25 Volumes Vol.XIX Published by : Harper & Brothers (New York) Physical details: 809 p Year: 1904
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Basement 823.8 Tha (Browse shelf) Available 83224

v. 1-2. Vanity fair, a novel without a hero.-v. 3-4. The history of Pendennis, his fortunes and misfortunes, his friends and his greatest enemy.-v. 5. The history of Samuel Titmarsh and the great Hoggart diamond. The tremendous adventures of Major Gehagan. Cox's diary. The memoirs of Mr. C.J. Yellowplush.-v. 6. The memoirs of Mr. C.J. Yellowplush. The diary of C. Jeames de la Pluche, esq., with his letters. A legend of the Rhines. Character sketchers. The fatal boots. the Bedford-row conspiracy. Going to see a man hanged.-v. 7. The memoirs of Barry Lyndon, esq. The Fitz-Boodle papers.-v. 8. The Fitz-Boodle papers. Men's wives. Catherine: a story. the second funeral of Napoleon.-v. 9. The Paris sketch book. The Irish sketch book of 1842.-v. 11. Contributions to Punch: Miss Tickletoby's lectures on English history. papers by the fat contributor. Miscellaneous contributions to "Punch". Verses. The history of the next French revolution. Little travels and road-side sketches. The book of snobs.-v. 12. The book of snobs. Novels by eminent hands. Sketches and travels in London. A little dinner at Timmin's. Caricatures.-v. 13. The history of Henry Esmond, esq.-v. 14. The history of Henry Esmond, esq. The lectures: The English humourists. The four Georges. Charity and humour.-v. 15- 16. The Newcomes, memoirs of a most respectable family, edited by Arthur Pendennis, esq.-v. 17. The Christmas books of Mr. M.A. Titmarsh, etc.: Mrs. Perkins's ball. Our street. Dr. Birch and his young friends. Rebecca and Rowena. The Kicklebury's on the Rhine. The rose and the ring.-v. 18-19. The Virginians, a tale of the last century.-v. 20. A shabby geneel story. The adventures of Phillip.-v. 21. The adventures of Phillip.-v. 22. The wolves and the lamb. Lovel the widower. Roundabout papers.-v. 23. Roundabout papers. Denis Duval.

v. 24. Ballads and critical reviews.-v. 25. Various essays, letters, sketches, etc. The life of W.M. Thackeray (1811-1863), by Leslie Stephen (reprinted from the "Dictionary of national biography"). A bibliography of the works of W.M. Thackeray. Index. Chapter XLVII - Visitors in trouble
Chapter XLVIII - An apparition
Chapter XLIX - Friends in Need
Chapter L -Contains a great deal of the finest morality
Chapter LI - Conticuere Omnes
Chapter LII - Intentique Ora Tenebant
Chapter LIII - Where we remain at the court end of the town
Chapter LIV - During which Harry sits smoking his pipe at home
Chapter LV - Between Brothers
Chapter LVI - Ariadne
Chapter LVII - In which Mr. Harry's nose continues to be put out of joint
Chapter LVIII - Where we do what cats may do
Chapter LIX - In which we are treated to a play
Chapter LX - Which treats of Macbeth, A supper and a pretty kettle of fish
Chapter LXI - In which the prince marches up the hill and down again
Chapter LXII - Arma Virumque
Chapter LXIII - Melpomene
Chapter LXIV - In which Harry lives to fight another day
Chapter LXV - Soldiers return
Chapter LXVI - In which we go a=courting
Chapter LXVII - In which a tragedy in acted, and two more are begun
Chapter LXVIII - In which Harry goes westward
Chapter LXIX - A Little innocent
Chapter LXX - In which cupid plays a considerable part
Chapter LXXI - White favours
Chapter LXXII - (from the Warrington) In which my lady is on the top of the ladder
Chapter LXXIII - We keep Christmas at Castlewood, 1759
Chapter LXXIV - New from Canada
Chapter LXXVI - The course of true love
Chapter LXXVII - Informs us how Mr. Warrington jumped into a Landau
Chapter LXXVIII - Pyramus and Thisbe
Chapter LXXIX - Containing both comedy and tragedy
Chapter LXXX - Pocahontas
Chapter LXXXI - Res angusta Domi
Chapter LXXXII - Miles's Moidore
Chapter LXXXIII - Troubles and consolations
Chapter LXXXIV - In which Harry submits to the common lot
Chapter LXXXV - Inveni Portum
Chapter LXXXVI - At Home
Chapter LXXXVII - The last of God save the King
Chapter LXXXVIII - Yankee Doodle comes to town
Chapter LXXXIX -A Colonel without a Regiment
Chapter XC - In which we both fight and runaway
Chapter XCI - Satis Pugna
Chapter XCII - Under vine and fig-tree