The Poems of Eugene Field
by Field, Eugene frey50
Published by : Charles Scribner's Son (New York) , 1926 Physical details: 553 p.Item type | Current location | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode |
800 - 899 | 811 Fie (Browse shelf) | Available | 11112 |
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Includes index
Western and Other verse: To Mary Field French; Casey's table d'Hote; the conversazzhyony; Prof. Vere de Blaw; Our Lady of the mine; Modjesky as cameel; Marthy's younkit; Madge: Ye Hoyden; The Bibliomainiac's prayer; the truth about horace; Our two opinions; Little Mack; To Robin Goodfellow; Apple-pie and cheese; The little peach; The divine lullaby; De Amicitiis; The wanderer; Soldier, Maiden and flower; Ailsie, My bairn; Mr. Dana, of the New York sun; The twenty-third psalm; The bibliomaniac's bride; Christmas hymn; "Good-by--God bless you!"; Chrystmasse of olde; A proper trewe idyll of camelot; In Flanders; Our biggest fish; Thirty-nine; Yvytot- To a soubrette; Dedication to "Second book of verse"; Father's way; To my mother; A valentine to my wife; Gosling stew; John smith; St. Martin's lane; Dear old London; The clink of the ice; the bells of Notre Dame; Lover's lane, saint Jo; Crumpets and tea; An imitation of Dr. Watts; The tea-gown; Doctors; Barbara; The cafe molineau; Holly and ivy; the boltons, 22; Dibdin's ghost; the bottle and the bird; Carlsbad; Red; At Cheyenne; The pneumogastric Nerve; Telka; Plaint of the Missoiuri ' Coon i the Berlin zooloical gardens; The partridge; Corinthian hall; The red, red west; The three kings of Cologne; Ipswich; Bill's tenor and my bass; The "St. Jo Gazette"; In Amserdam; To the passing saint; Teh fisherman's feast; Theonion tart; Grandma's bombazine; Rare roast beef; Old times, old friends, old love; Mr. Billins of Louisville; Poet and king; Lizzie; Always right; Providence and the dog; Gettin' on; The schnellest zug; Bethehem-town; The doings of delsarte; The singing in God's acre; The dream-ship; Ballad of women I love; Suppose; Mysterious doings; With two spoons for two spoons; Mary smith; Jessie; To Emma Abbott; The great Journalist in Spain; The stoddards; The three tailors; The Jaffa and Jerusalem railway; The wooing fo the southland (Alaska ballad); Star of the east; Twin idols; Ben Apfelgarten; The dreams; In New Orleans; My playmates; Stoves and sunshine; A drinking song; The straw parlor; The discreet collector; The wind; A paraphrase; With Brutusin St. Jo; Pan Liveth; Dr. Sam; Winfreda ( A ballad in the Anglo-Saxon Tongue); Lyman, Frederick, and Juim; Be my sweetheart; The peter-bird; Sistar's cake; Abu Midjan; Ed; Jennie; Contentment; "Guess"; New-year's eve; The broken ring; The ballad of the Taylor pup; After reading Trollope's history of Florence; "The old homestead'; The convalescent gripster; The sleeping child; The two coffins; Clare market; A dream of springtime; How salty win out; Boccaccio; Marcus Varro; My garden; One day I got a missive --- Poems of Childhood: With trumpet and drum; The sugar-plum tree; Krinken; The naughty doll; Nightfall in Dordrecht; Intry-Mintry; Pittyput and Tippytoe; Balow, my Bonnie; The Hawthorne Children; Little blue pigeon (Japanese Lullaby); The lyttel boy; Teeny-weeny; Nellie; Norse lullay; Grandma's lullaby; Some time; The fire-hangbird's nest; Buttercup, Poppy, forget me not; Wynken, Blynken, and Nod (Dutch lullaby); The peace of christmas time; To a little brook; Croodlin' doo; Little mistress sans-Merci; Long ago; In the firelight; Cobbler and stork; "lollyby, lolly, lollyby"; A valentine; At the door; Hi-spy; Little boy blue; Father's letter; Jewish lullaby; Our whippings; the armenian mother; Heigho, my dearie ( orkney lullaby); To a usurper; The bell-flower tree; Fairy and child; The grandsire; Hushaby, sweet my own (lullaby, by the sea); Child and mother; Medieval eventide song; Armenian lullaby; Christmas treasures; Oh, little child (Sicilian lullaby); Granderfeather's gift; Bambino (Corsican lullaby); Little Homer's slate; Teh rock-a-by lady; "Booh!"; Garden and cradle; The night wind; Kissing time; Jest 'fore christmas; Beard and baby; The dinkey-bird; The drum; The dead babe; The happy household; So, So, Rock-a-by so!; The sog of luddy-dud; The duel; Good-children street; The delectable ballad fo the waller lot; The stork; The bottle-tree; Googly-goo; The bench-legged fyce; Little miss brag; The humming top; Lady button-eyes; The ride to bumpville; The brook; Picnic-time; Shuffle-shoon and amber-leeks; The shut-eye train; Little oh dear; The fly-away horse; swing high and swing low; When i was a boy; At play; A valentine; Little all- aloney; Seein things; The cunnin' little thing; The doll's wooing; Inscription for my little son's silver plate; Fisherman Jim's kids; "Fiddle-de-dee"; Over the hills and far away; Cradle song; The rose and the iceberg; A hushaby; Song of the clouds; The princess ming; An elfin summons; A brook song; The dismal dole of the doodledoo; The violet's love story; An invitation to sleep; Coquetry; The cricket's song; The fate of the flimflam; Contentment; A fairy lullaby; Ballad of the jelly-cake; Morning song; To a sleeping baby's eyes; Dream, Dream, Dream; A lullaby; The death of robin hood; Mother and child; Ashes on the slide; Christmas eve; Telling the bees; Two valentines; The limitations of youth; A piteous plaint; Teh two little skeezucks; The bow-leg boy --- Echoes from the sabine farm -- To M.L. Gray ; An invitation to Maecenas, Odes, III, 29; Chloris Properly Rebuked, Odes, III, 15; To the fountain of Bandusia Odes, III, 13; To the Fountain of Bandusia; The prefernce declared Odes, I, 38; A tardy apology, I, Epode XIV; A tardy apology II; To the ship of state Odes I, 14; Quitting again Odes III, 26; Sailor and shade Odes I, 28; Let us have peace Odes, I, 27; To Quintus Dellius Odes II, 3; Poking fun at Xanthias Odes, II, 4; To Aristius Fuscus Odes I, 22; To Albius Tibullus I. Odes I, 33; To Albius Tibullus II; To Maecenas, Odes I, 1; to his book Epistle XX; Fame vs. Riches Ars Poetica, line 323; The Lyric muse Ars Poetica, line 391; A counterblast against garlic, epode III; An excuse for lalage, odes II, 5; An appeal to lyce Odes IV, 13; A Roman Winter-Piece I Odes I, 9; A Roman winter-piece II; To Diana Odes III, 22; To his lute Ode I, II; To Leuconoe II; To Ligurinus I Odes IV; To Ligurinus II; The Happy Isles Epode XIV line 41; Consistancy ars poetica; To postumus odes II, II; to mistress pyrrha I Odes I, 5; To mistress pyrrha, II; to melpomene Odes III, 30; To phyllis I Odes, IV, II; To Phyllis II; To Chloe I Odes I, 23; to Chloe II; A Paraphrase, Another paraphrase, A third paraphrase, A fourth paraphrase; to meacenas, Odes, I 20; To barine Odes II, 28; the reconciliation I Odes III, 9; The reconciliation II; The roasting of Lydia Odes I, 25; To Glycera Odes, I, 19; To Lydia I Odes I, 13; To Lydia II; To quintius hirpinus, odes II, 11; Wine, Women, and song Odes I, 35; To a jar of wine Odes III, 21; To pompeius varus Odes II, 1; The poet's metamorphosis odes II, 20; To Venus odes I 30; In the springtime I odes I, 4; In the springtime II; To a bully Epode VI; To mother Venus; To Lydia Odes I, 8; To neobule Odes III, 12; At the ball game odes V, 17; Epilogue; Lydia dick; In phrase of contentment Horace's odes III, 1 --- Various Translations-- Uhland's white stag; A paraphrase of Heine; Old spanish song; Uhland's "chapel"; A Heine love song; Beranger's "To my old coat"; A spring poem from bion; Mother and sphinx; Hymn; Two Idyls from bion the smyrnean; A rhine-land drinking song; Hugo's "pool in the forest"; Hugo's "Child at play"; Love song-Heine; To Cinna; Der Mann im keller; "Trot, my good steed, trot!"; Bion's song of eros; Fiducit; The lost cupid of moschus; An eclogue from Virgil; Catullus to Lesbia; Korner's battle prayer; Beranger's "Ma vocation"; Hugo's "Flower to butterfly"; Beranger's "My last song perhaps"; Uhland's "three cavaliers"; Heine's "widow or daughter"; Beranger's "Broken Fiddle" -- Sharps and Flats -- The official explanation; The poet's return; A shoshone legend; A Zephyr from Zululland; the french must go; A battle in Yellowstone park; His lordship, the chief justice;A hint for 1884; The Indian and the trout; A play on words; How flaherty kept the bridge; The three-cent stamp; Big thursday; The mystery of passadene; A nightmare; Bachelor hill; Human nature; A very weary actor; Gettysburg; Her fairy feet; The remorseful cakes; A patriot's triumph; "yours fraternally"; Song of the all-wool shirt; Of blessed memory; A leap-year episode; the debutante; the modern martyr; An Ohio idyl; A scherzo; An Ohio ditty; A good man's sorrow; Lament of a neglected boss; Romance of a "cuss-word"; Cold consolation; Mr. Holman's farewell; the april fool; The old sexton; Oglesby(1884); The political maud; A virgilian picnic; An Illinois war-song; Thomas A. Hendrick's Appeal; The Explorer's wooing; the Ahkoond of Swat; A plea for the classics; The secret of the Sphinx; Fanchon the cricket; November; Parlez-vous Francais?; "Gee Swee Zamerican"; Christmas; Chicago weather; The collector's discontent; A leap-year lament; Ill requited; Grant; From the same canteen; Little miss dandy; Spirit lake; To Denman Thompson; "Purition"-"Genesta"; the song of the mugwump; Song for the departed; A song of the Christmas wind; An overworked word; A western boy's lament; Humanity; The White house ballads; King Grover craves pie; Sister Rose's suspicious; The wedding-day; The tying of the tie; The kissing of the bride; The cutting of the cake; The passing of the compliment; Three days in springtime; Sag harbor; The 5th of July; A poem in three cantos; In praise of truth and simplicity in song; The fool; to the Ladye Julia; A ballad of ancient oaths; the susceptible widow; Pike's peak; Longings; From the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, Mein faeder bed, Bethlehem Town; In Holland; In praise of pie; Uncle Eph; Christmas morning; Hymn: Midnight hour; When stedman comes to town; The straw hat; A war-song; Extinct monsters; Mrs. Reilly's peaches; O'conner's Iloquint spache; Doctor Rabelais; Song; To Ward H. Lamon, Asleep on his library floor; The snakes; The boy; The bugaboo; A Valantine; The tin bank; My Sabine farm; The vineyard; For the charming miss I. F.'s album