Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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A history of Latin literature

by Dimsdale, Marcus Southfrey50
Published by : D. Appleton and Company (New York) , 1915 Physical details: 549 p.
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Includes index

I. The beginnings II. The invasion of hellienic influence III. Comedy IV.Tragedy and satire V. Teh beginnings of history and oratory VI. Lucretius and Catullus VII. Cicero VIII. Ceasar, Sallust, and Varro IX. The Augustan age. Virgil X. Horace XI. The Augustan age. Elegy XII. Livy and Augustan prose XIII. The beginning of decadence and its causes XIV. The claudo-neronian age XV. The flavian age XVI. the reigns of Nerva and Trajan XVII. African latinity and the end of the national literature Index