The factories; POEMS OF NOW: A message from Italy; A new spinning song; An old wife's song; The modern woman to her lover; The beggars; The net; Teresina's face; A cafe singer; The guides; A poor child; A Christmas doll; The old town; The twisted souls; Prison-people; A mother to the war-makers; War-march; An old portrait; Teh old suffragist; The housekeeper; The women's litany; A marching song of women; The settlement worker; The war-God; God and the strong ones -- THE WANDERING SINGER: The little comforters; The captive; A country carol; The ballad of God's town; After sunset; Asleep in spring; A merry heart; Sea-lovers; The two dyings; The joyous dream; Uplift -- YOUTH LEARNS: Knowledge; The promisers; An old woman; Youth; The singer; The dead friend; Search; Manet!; The divine lie; The last knight; The follower; The cloak of dreams; Gifts -- GREEK FOLK SONGS: The naked feet; In the dark; Moon with eyes of blue; Song: Shadow of the woodland; Rain in the morning; Not unto the forest; Cradle song; A cyprian woman -- LOVE SONGS: Changed; An ending; Thought of you; If you should tire of loving me; Siege; A girl's love song; Triumph; I can go to love again; At the game's end; The eternal burial; Song; Song; The gift; The perfect lover; Carnations -- THE BORDER COUNTRY: The house of ghosts; The old soul; The lost friend; The wonderful country; Recomprense; The estray; There is nothing dead; The forgotten soul; The forgetful people; Jeanne D'Arc at Rheims; Wind-litany; The passing