Smoke and steel and Slabs of the Sunburn West
by Sandburg, Carl frey50
Published by : Harcourt, Brace and Company (New York) , 1922 Physical details: 268, 76 pagesItem type | Current location | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode |
800 - 899 | 811 San (Browse shelf) | Available | 16510 |
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SMOKE NIGHTS -- Smoke and steel; Five towns on the B & O; Work gangs; Pennsylvania; Whirls -- PEOPLE WHO MUST -- people who must; Alley rats; Eleventh avenue racket; Home fires; Hats; They all want to play Hamlet; The mayor of Gary; Omaha; Galoots; Crabapple blossoms; Real estate news; Manual system; Stripes; Honky tonk in Cleveland, Ohio; Crapshooters; Soup; Clinton south of polk; Blue island intersection; Red-headed restaurant cashier; Boy and father; Clean curtains; Crimson changes people; Neighbors; Cahoots; Blue maroons; The hangman at home; Man, the man-hunter; the sins of Kalamazoo -- BROKEN-FACE GARGOYLES -- Broken- face gargoyles; Aprons of silence;Death snips proud men; Good-night; Shirt; Jazz fantasia; Do you want affidavits?; Old-Fashioned requited love; Purple martins; Brass keys; Pick offs; Manufactured Gods; Mask -- PLAYTHINGS OF THE WIND -- Four preludes on playthings of the wind; Broken tabernacles; Ossawatomie; Long Guns; Dusty doors; Flash crimson; The lawyers know too much; Losers; Places; Threes; The liars; Prayers after world war; A.E.F.; Bas-relief; Carlovingian dreams; Bronzes; Let love go on; Killers; Clean hands; Three ghosts; Pencils; Jug; And this will be all?; Hoodlums; Yes, the dead speak to us -- MIST FORMS -- Calls; Sea-wash; Silver wind; Evening waterfall; Crucible; Summer stars; Throw roses; Just before april came; Stars, songs, faces; Sandpipers; Three violins; The wind sings welcome in early spring; Tawny; Slippery; Helga; Baby toes; People with proud chins; Winter milk; Sleepyheads; Sumach and birds; Women washing their hair; Peach blossoms; Half moon in a high wind; Remorse; River moons; Sand scribblings; How yesturday looked; Paula; Laughing blue steel; They ask each other where they came from; How much?; Throwbacks; Wind song; Three spring notations on bipeds; Sandhill people; Far rockaway night til morning; Humming bird woman; Buckwheat; Blue ridge; Valley song; Mist forms; Pigeon; Chasers Horse fiddle; Timber wings; Night stuff; Spanish; Shagbark hickory; the south wind say so -- ACCOMPLISHED FACTS -- Accomplished facts; Grieg being dead; Chords; Dogheads; Trinity place; Portrait; Potomac river mist; Jack London and O. Henry; His own face hidden; Cups of coffee -- PASSPORTS -- Smoke rose gold; Tangibles; Night movement--New York; North Atlantic; Fog Portrait; Flying fish; Home thoughts; In the shadow of the palace; Two items; Streets too old; Savoir faire; Mohammed Bek Hadjetlache; High conspiratorial persons; Baltic fog notes -- CIRCLES OF DOORS -- Circle of doors; Hate; Two strangers breakfast; Snow; Dancer; Plaster; Curse of a rich polish peasant on his sister who ran away with a wild man; Woman with a past; White hands; An electric sign goes dark; They buy with an eye to looks; Proud and beautiful; Telegram; Glimmer; White ash; Testimony regarding a ghost; Put off the wedding five times and nobody Comes to it; Baby vamps; Vaudeville dancer; Balloon faces -- HAZE -- Haze; Cadenza; Memoranda; potomac town in February; Buffalo Dusk; Corn Hut Talk; Branches; Rusty crimson; Letter S; Weeds; New farm tractor; Pods; Harvest sunset; Nights nothings again -- PANELS -- Panels; Dan; Whiffletree; Mascots; The skyscraper loves night; Never born; Thin strips; Five cent balloons; My people; Swirl; Wistful; Basket; Fire pages; Finish; For you -- SLABS OF THE SUNBURNT WEST -- The windy city; Washington monument by night; And so to-day; Black horizons; Sea slant; Upstream; Four streichen prints; Fins; Beat, old heart; Moon riders; At the gates of tombs; Hazardous occupations; Props; Gypsy mother; Gold mud; Crossing the paces; Couples; Caligari; Feather lights; Pearl horizons; Hoof dusk; Harsk, Harsk; Brancusi; Ambassadors of grief; Without the cane and the derby;Teh rakeoff and the getaway; Two humpties; Improved farm land; Hell on teh wabash; This--for the moon--Yes?; Primer lesson; Slabs of the sunburnt west