Greatest short stories
by 20160731 frey50
Series: . Vol. 4 Published by : P.F. Collier & Sons (New York) , 1915 Physical details: 384 p.Item type | Current location | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode |
800 - 899 | 808.3 Gre (Browse shelf) | Available | 35348 |
Mrs. Protheroe by Booth Tarkington -- The silver lake panic by Raymond S. Spears -- The happist time by Mary Stewart Cutting -- In the wake of war by Hallie Erminic Rives -- The tall one and the wee one by Ruth Sawyer -- Captain Pike by Theodore Goodridge Roberts -- Mr. Dooley on the pursuit of riches by F. P. Dunne -- Everett, Commissioner of Justice by Gordon McCreagh --The polite horse by Henry Beach needham -- The Charge by W. Douglas Newton -- The wedding Bob Dean ran by Edward Boltwood -- His first penitent by James Oliver Curwood -- Unseen Hands by Helen Cooper Douglas -- The churching of Bankson by Samuel Scoville, Jr. -- In each other's shoes by George Parsons Lathrop -- The return by I. K. Friedman -- Bondage by Leila Burton Wells