Revolt of the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico and Otermín's attempted reconquest, 1680-1682
Series: Coronado cuarto centennial publications Volume IX Published by : The University of New Mexico Press (Albuquerque, NM) Physical details: 430 p. ISBN:0826301614. ISSN:978082630 Year: 1942Item type | Current location | Call number | Status | Notes | Date due | Barcode |
Office | 978.9 Rev (Browse shelf) | Available | In Memory of : Evlyn Shuler | 38177 |
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Animal sociology and a natural economy of the body politic: a political physiology of dominance --
The past is the contested zone: human nature and theories of production and reproduction in primate behaviour studies --
The biological enterprise: sex, mind, and profit from human engineering to sociobiology --
In the beginning was the word: the genesis of biological theory --
The contest for primate nature: daughters of man-the-hunter in the field, 1960-80 --
Reading Buchi Emecheta: contests for 'women's experience' in women's studies --
'Gender' for a Marxist dictionary: the sexual politics of a word --
A cyborg manifesto: science, technology, and socialist-feminism in the late twentieth century --
Situated knowledges: the science question in feminism and the privilege of partial perspective --
The biopolitics of postmodern bodies: constitutions of self in immune system discourse.