Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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by Levertov, Denise frey50
Published by : New Directions Books (New York) , 1972 Physical details: 58 p.
Subject(s): American Poetry
Tags from this library: No tags from this library for this title.
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800 - 899 811 Lev (Browse shelf) Available 39001

The footprints; Hut; A defeat in the green moutains; The rebuff; Living with a painting; An old friend's self-portrait; Novella; Intrustion; Overheard over S.E. Asia; Scenario; Time to breathe; Hope it's true; M.C. 5; Love poem; A place to live; The news; Obstinate faith; Fragment; Only connect; Under a blue star; Exchange; 3 a.m, September 1, 1969 -- A new year's garland for my students/ MIT: 1969-1970 I. Arthur; II Barry; III Bill; IV Don; V Ernie; VI Judy; VII Lucy; VIII Margo; IX Mark; X Ricard; XI Roger; XII Ted; XIII Vic; To Kevin O'Leary, Wherever he is; The day the audience walked out on me, and why; Animal rights; Leather jacket; The needles; The poem unwritten; The good dream; Goeth's blues; February evening in Boston; The sun going down upon our wrath; Forest alter, September; Joie de Vivre; The wanderer; Brass tacks; The old king; The roamer; 'Life is not a walk across a field'; Alice Transfixed; Memories of John Keats; Earthwards; B rail throught the earthly paradise, perhaps befordshire; The cabbage field; In silence; To Antonio Machado; Sun, Moon, and stones; Man alone; Road; The malice of innocence; At the 'mass ave poetry hawkers' reading in the red book cellar; Small satori; The life around us; Knowing the way