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Mother Earth spirituality :

by McGaa, Ed. frey50
Edition statement:1st ed. Published by : Harper & Row, (San Francisco, :) , 1990 Physical details: xviii, 230 : ill. ; 24 cm. ISBN:0062505963 (pbk.) :; 9780062505965 (pbk.).
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1. Water : the spiritual character of the Native American: Buffalo Calf Woman : the coming of the sacred pipe ; Black Elk's vision ; Pilgrims, Founding Fathers, and the Indians ; Red, white, black, and yellow ; The significance of four -- 2. Earth : the seven Mother Earth ceremonies: The natural way ; The peace pipe ceremony and the crystal ; The sewat lodge ceremony ; Crying for a vision ; The Sioux sun dance ; The yuwipi or spirit-calling ceremony ; The making of relatives ; The giveaway ceremony ; Sioux ceremonial history -- 3. Air : bringing forth your own Mother Earth wisdom: The making of the pipe ; Building a sweat lodge ; Shield making and understanding the sacred hoop ; Receiving your Earth name and finding your wotai stone -- 4. Fire : healing Mother Earth in your own community: Conducting ceremony ; Earth Day ceremony ; Mitakuye oyasin : we are all related.