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The explosive child :

by Greene, Ross W. frey50
Edition statement:Rev. and updated Published by : Harper, (New York :) , 2005 Physical details: xix, 298 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN:006077939X (pbk.); 9780060779399 (pbk.).
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649.122 Acr Baby signs : 649.122 Woo Fact.File for First-Time Fathers: 649.132 Gur The wonder of boys : 649.153 Gre The explosive child : 649.153 Tur The difficult child / 649.33 Rub The ABCs of breastfeeding : 649.55 Ell 365 games toddlers play :

We've all seen an "explosive child": one who exhibits intense temper outbursts, sudden mood swings, extreme noncompliance, and verbal and physical aggression. For parents who seem to have tried everything, finally there is hope. In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Ross Greene provides a practical, compassionate approach to treating these children, who may be diagnosed with any of various psychiatric disorders, including oppositional-defiant disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), bipolar disorder, and Tourette's disorder. Drawing upon recent advances in the neurosciences and his extensive experience working with challenging children, Dr. Greene explains that they are not willfully destructive. Their behaviors stem from brain-based deficits in two critical developmental skills: flexibility and frustration tolerance. With Dr. Greene's sensitive, expert advice, you will find ways to defuse explosive episodes, reduce tension, and build a warm, lasting relationship with your child.