Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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Wings /

by Steel, Danielle. frey50
Published by : Delacorte Press, (New York, N.Y. :) , 1994 Physical details: 400 p. ; 24 cm. ISBN:0385306059; 9780385306058; 0385312954 (lg. print); 9780385312950 (lg. print); 0385313810 (limited ed.); 9780385313810 (limited ed.).
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Fiction Ste (Browse shelf) Available 92521

A love triangle featuring Cassie O'Malley, 17, the adventurous daughter of the owner of an airfield. Despite her father's objections, Cassie becomes a famous test pilot, marries a millionaire who backs her career, but her real love is Nick, one of her father's employees who taught her flying in the first place.