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Tobacco and smoking /

by 20160731 frey50
Additional authors: Hunnicutt, Susan.
Series: Opposing viewpoints series Published by : Greenhaven Press, (Detroit :) , 2009 Physical details: 222 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. ISBN:9780737742428 (hardcover); 0737742429 (hardcover); 9780737742435 (pbk.); 0737742437 (pbk.).
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Why consider opposing viewpoints? -- Introduction -- ch. 1. Is tobacco use a serious problem? -- Chapter preface -- 1. Smoking is harmful to human health / National Institute on Drug Abuse -- 2. The dangers of smoking are exaggerated / Paul Johnson -- 3. Secondhand smoke is a serious problem / Richard Carmona -- 4. The dangers of secondhand smoke are exaggerated / Jacob Sullum -- 5. Smokeless tobacco is harmful to human health / Business Wire -- 6. Smokeless tobacco is less harmful to human health than smoking / Brad Rodu and William T. Godshall -- 7. Efforts to reduce teen smoking have stalled / William V. Corr -- 8. Teen smoking rates have declined / Dave Gershman -- Periodical bibliography -- ch. 2. How can tobacco use be reduced -- Chapter preface -- 1. Governments should tax tobacco to save lives / Prabhat Jha -- 2. The government should not tax tobacco / A.O. Kime -- 3. Most Americans believe smoking should be banned in public places / Stephen Kaufman -- 4. Smoking should not be banned in public places / Joseph Bast -- 5. Smoking prevention efforts should focus on children / Leann M. Lesperance and Henry H. Bernstein -- 6. It could be a mistake to focus smoking prevention efforts on children / Ronald Bayer and Valeri Kiesig -- Periodical bibliography -- ch. 3. Should the food and drug administration regulate tobacco? -- Chapter preface -- 1. The food and drug administration should have the authority to regulate tobacco products / Edward M. Kennedy -- 2. The food and drug administration should not be responsible for regulating tobacco / Andrew C. von Eschenbach -- 3. FDA regulation would protect tobacco companies from the threat of litigation / Michael Siegel -- 4. FDA regulation of tobacco would unfairly benefit the largest tobacco companies / Joseph A. Rotondi -- 5. The FDA tobacco bill is a misguided piece of legislation / Forces International -- Periodical bibliography -- ch. 4. How do the media impact individuals' choices to smoke or not smoke? -- 1. Tobacco advertising is harmful to public health / Physicians for a Smok-Free Canada -- 2. Tobacco advertising does not directly cause people to smoke / Jacob Sullum -- 3. The tobacco industry's smoking prevention ads increase the likelihood that teens will smoke / American Legacy Foundation -- 4. Smoking behavior should not be censored in the movies / Evan R. Goldstein -- 5. Images of smoking in the media encourage youth to smoke / Tara Parker-Pope -- Periodical bibliography -- For further discussion -- Organizations to contact -- Bibliography of books -- Index.