The Complete Works of James Whitcomb Riley Volume V
by Riley, James Whitcomb
Series: Complete works of James Whitcomb Riley Volume 5 Edition statement:Memorial edition Published by : Harper & Brothers Publishers (New York) Physical details: 1141 - 1422 p. Year: 1916Item type | Current location | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode |
Basement | 818 Ril (Browse shelf) | Available | 40709 |
Browsing Arthur Johnson Memorial Library Shelves Close shelf browser
What 'Old Santa" overheard
On the banks o' Deer Crick
Billy could rid
Dave Field
When we there meet
Josh Billings
The land of Thus-and-so
The Hoss
A old played-out song
Little Orphant Annie (Little orphan Annie)
A Dos't o' Blues
The train-misser
The plaint human
Which ane
Regardin' Terry Hut
A tale of the Airly Days
The Rossville Lectur' Course
Her beautiful eyes
Want to be whur mother is
Babe Herrick
To a Jilted swain
Kneeling with Herrick
In the south
The happy little cripple
Has she forgotten
The Jolly Miller
He cometh in sweet sense
Kingry's Mill
The earthquake
A fall-crick view of the earthquake
When the world bu'sts through
The old retired sea-captain
Old October
The Legend glorified
On a fly-leaf
Old man's nursery rhyme
Lewis D. Hayes
A local politician from away back
The mute singer
The cyclone
In days to come
The stepmother
When my dreams come true
The chant of the cross-bearing child
Three dead friends
When she comes home
Luther A Todd
When old Jack died
When the hearse comes back
Back from a To-years' sentence
To Robert Louis Stevenson
Them flowers
The Robin's other name
The rain
To Edgar Wilson Nye
A Discouraging model
The serenade
Doc Sifers
Afterwhiles (After whiles)
A home-made fairy tale
A voice for the farm the old home by the mill
The old man and Jim
Our old friend Neverfail (Our old friend never fail)
Dan O' Sullivan
at 'the literary'
She 'Displains' it
Dead, my Lords
A man by the name of Bolus
The traveling Man
The absence of little Wesley
When the green gits back in the trees
How it happened
The wife-blessed
Robert Burns Wilson
'Mongst the hills o' somerset
A passing hail
'Last Christmas was a year ago'
Little Johnts's Chris'mus
That-air young-un
The pipes o' Pan
Down around the river
His mother
In Bohemia
Who Santy Claus wuz
To my good master
Chairley Burke's in town (Charley Burke's in town )
Wait for the morning
Youth and age
The Poet of the future
Naughty Claude
The Artemus of Michigan
Waitin' fer the cat to die
The all-kind mother
To Hattie- on her birthday
Dow to the capital
Jap Miller
John Tarkington Jameson
Henry W. Grady
In the evening
Thoughts on the late war
The old band
By any other name
Lines fer Isaac Bradwell, of Indanoplis, Ind., County-seat of Marion (Lines fer Isaac Bradwell, of Indianapolis, Ind., County-seat of Marion)
'The little man in the tin-shop
A southern singer
June at Woodruff
Iry and Billy and Jo
Uncle Sidney's views
The rider of the knee
The little-red-apple tree
Uncle Sidney
in the night
The dream of the little princess
The squirt-gun uncle maked me
The youthful press
Max and Jim
the Old haymow
Guiney-pigs (Guinea-Pigs)
Busch and Tommy
The lugubrious Whing-Whang
Little Mandy's Christmas-tree
The funniest thing in the world
A fruit piece