Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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The Complete Works of James Whitcomb Riley Volume VI

by Riley, James Whitcomb
Series: Complete works of James Whitcomb Riley Volume 6 Edition statement:Memorial edition Published by : Harper & Brothers Publishers (New York) Physical details: 1423 - 1703 p.
Subject(s): 19th century | 19th century
Year: 1916
Tags from this library: No tags from this library for this title.
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Basement 818 Ril (Browse shelf) Available 40710

The bumblebee
A prospective glimpse
The old tramp
The pet coon
An impetuous resolve
The hunter boy
Billy goodin'
Song-for November
At Aunty's house
Life at the lake
John Boyle O'Reilly
The boys' candidate
Old John Clevenger on Buckeyes
Meredith Nicholson
My Ruthers
God's Mercy
The Whitheraways
A boy's mother
The runaway boy
The fishing-party
The raggedy man
Our hired girl
The boy lives on our farm
Song of the bullet
Christmas greetings
Uncle William's picture
Erasmus Wilson
Back from town
Tugg Martin
To Rudyard Kipling
Decoration day on the place
Town and country
The first bluebird
Lines to perfesser John Clark Ridpath
Songs of a life-time
An old man's memory
Us farmers in the country
On a dead babe
"Mylo Jones's Wife"
A pen-pictur' of a cert'in frivvolus old man (A pen-pictur' of a cert'in frivolous old man)
Thoughts on a poke joke
Evagene Baker
On any ordenary man in a high state of laughture and delight (On any ordinary man in a high state of laughter and delight)
The hoodoo
Curoed o' skeerin'
Old winters on the farm
'Coon-dog Wess'
Goin' to the fair
The watchers of the night
Oscar C. McCulloch
What Chris'mas fetched the Wigginses
The gudewife
Right here at home
Little Marjorie
Kathleen Mavourneen
Old John Henry
Being his mother
Green fields and running brooks
Some scattering remarks of Bub's
By her white bed
How John quit the farm
His mother's way
The hoosier fold-child
Their sweet sorrow
Dawn, noon and dewfall
His vigil
The Quarrel
John Brown
Go, winter,
John Alden and Percilly
The Rhymes of Ironquill
The curse of the wandering foot
As my uncle ust to say
Whittier-at Newburyport
Rosamond C. Bailey
Mrs. Benjamin Harrison
The poems here at home Little cousin Jasper
The doodle-bugs's Charm
'Home ag'in'
The spoiled child
The bee-bag
The truly Marvelous
Old Chums
'This dear child-hearted woman that is dead'
'How did you rest, last night?'
To 'the J. W. R. Literary Club'
Out of the Dark and the dearth
Little David
Home again
A Sea-song from the shore
The dead wife
To Elizabeth
Three singing friends:
Lee O. Harris
Benj. S. Parker
James Newton Matthews
At his wintry tent
Up and down old Brandywine
Writin' Back to the home-folks
We defer things
For this Christmas
To a poet-critic
A noon lull
Rabbit in the cross-ties
When Lide married him
'Ringworm Frank'
The youthful patriot
Ponchus Pilut
The circus parade
Folks at Lonesomeville
The three jolly hunters
The little dog-woggy
A few of the bird-family
Through sleepy-land
The trestle and the buck-saw
The king of Oo-Rinktum-Jing
The toy penny-dog
The great explorer
The schoolboy's favorite
The little mock-man
Summer-time and winter -time
The lovely Child
The yellowbird
Sad perversity
A feel in the Chris'mas-air
Mister hop-toad
The silent singer
The green grass of old Ireland
A Peace-hymn of the republic
My dancin'-days is over
Eugene Field
A Christmas Memory
To Almon Keeper
Little maid-o'-dreams
Edgar Wilson Nye