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This time together :

by Burnett, Carol. frey50
Edition statement:1st ed. Published by : Harmony Books, (New York :) , 2010 Physical details: xiv, 267 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. ISBN:9780307461186 :; 0307461181.
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792.50978956 Hus Santa Fe Opera : 792.645 Blo Broadway musicals 792.7028092 Bro Hyperbole and a half : 792.7028092 Bur This time together : 792.7028092 Car Gracie Allen for president 1940 : vote with the surprise party 792.7028092 Cry Still foolin' 'em : 792.7028092 Fey Bossypants /

Jimmy Stewart -- Early days in Hollywood -- Tweety, Mama, and Chris -- Alfred Hitchcock and the epaulets -- Remembering the early days in New York -- Stretching pennies -- The dress -- One rainy night -- The rehearsal club revue -- John Foster Dulles and the Blue Angel nightclub -- "Once Upon a Mattress" and George Abbott -- Rumplemayer's and the mean hostess -- Garry Moore's variety show -- My dog Bruce and the office -- Walking alone at night in New York City -- Nanny and the auditions -- Nanny's visit to New York -- Aunt Iney -- Viewer discretion advised -- Fans -- Lunchtime at the turkey farm --Tarzan and Bergdorf Goodman -- John Steinbeck and the twenty-fourth floor -- CBS vs. my variety show -- Our rep players -- Vicki Lawrence -- Harvey Korman -- Lyle Waggoner -- Tim Conway -- Conway's cancellation -- Australia -- Bob Mackie -- Jim Nabors -- Talking to the audience -- The writers' room -- Cary Grant -- Carey, Harvey, and Tim at the racetrack -- Adrienne Lenore Weingardt -- Carol Channing and food for thought -- Lucy -- Lucy, Zero, and Carol + 2 -- Dinner with Lucy at the farmers' market -- Jody and Ray Charles -- Erin and diplomacy -- My chum Julie Andrews -- A very bad hair day -- Julie, Mike Nichols, and the lady in the elevator -- Laurence Olivier -- Walter Matthau -- "The Front Page" and mea culpa -- Restaurant reservations -- "All My Children" -- Keeping up with Pine Valley while in Europe -- Joan Crawford -- How not to make small talk with royalty -- Stanwyck and the leprechaun -- A girl named Kathy -- The end of the run -- "Annie" and John Huston -- Turbulence -- Living in a high-rise all alone -- Body by Jake -- Dating -- Marlon Brando -- Mr. Computer -- Beverly Sills -- Questions and answers on the road -- Brian -- Pets -- Hal Prince, "Hollywood Arms," Carrie -- Obituary -- Carrie and the fib -- What's next?

In engaging anecdotes, Carol discusses her remarkable friendships with stars such at Jimmy Stewart, Lucille Ball, Cary Grant, and Julie Andrews; her television show that won twenty-five Emmys in its remarkable eleven-year run; and the sorrows that she overcame with her irresistible humor.