The Culpepper Cattle Co.
Published by : Twentieth Century Fox (Veverly Hills, California) Physical details: 1 video disc (92 min)Rated PG.
Gary Grimes, Billy "Green" Bush, Luke Askew, Bo Hopkins, John McLiam, Geoffrey Lewis, Wayne Sutherlin, Raymond Guth, Matt Clark, Anthony James.
Ben Mockridge is an idealisticx, wide-eyed teen who wants more than anything else to be a cowboy. He gets his wish when he lands a job as a cook's helper, but he's soon informed by one grizzled veteran that "Cowboyin' is somethin' you do when you can't do nothin' else." And soon Ben is surrounded by the rigors and realities of trail life. It's a dusty, dreary existence in which men drink and fight to escape the tedium, and survival depends on how quickly one can pull a trigger.
DVD format.