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Mark Twain and the Three R's

by Clemens, Samuel frey50
Additional authors: Ed. -- Geismar, Maxwell
Published by : Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc. (Indianpolis) , 1973 Physical details: 260 p. ISBN:0672517051.
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Includes index

OPart one : Race The Anglo-Saxon race To the person sitting in Darkness the conquest of the Philippines: The Moros The destruction of the Filipino Patriot and President, Aguinaldo, by US General Funston Summary of th ePhilippine "Incident" The United States of Lyncherdom "A Thanksgiving Sentiment" on the Congo King Leopold's Solioguy on the Belgian Congo The Missionaries in China The Colonizing of Australia Civilization comes to Australia: or Arsenic Pudding for Savages The Slave-catching trade in Queensland : Civilization and the Kanakas Pagan dress and European clothes: Black skin and white skin Slavery in India and the United States The Boers and the Blacks, the British and the Blacks The Boers and the Blacks in South Africa The Motley Population of the Christian Heaven Thanksgiving Day and the Indians Editorial about the fact that a Southern Negro was discovered to be innocent of rape of which he had been lynched Persecution of the Chinese in California and Passage of the Burlingame Treaty to Protect Their Rights Annex the Hawaiian Isles!

Part two : Religion Christianity and imperialism : Greeting to the Twentieth Century The war prayer Bible teaching and religious practice Plymouth Rock and the Pilgrims Patriotism and Christianity Christian Progress through the ages An Answer to a Reader Who had sent Mark Twain a list of the one hundred Greatest men in history The two testaments God's delight in man Sin and repentance The Christian Gospel of Peace The Christian God and the Sexual Servitude of women The Christian Heaven The Christian God Christian Science "About smell," an Answer toe a Brookllyn Clergyman who would not allow working men to be seated in his congregation On pitying God Last Notebook entry, on Education and Religion The Fathr of Mercy Mark Twain's God

Part Three: Revolution Statement about Revolution in a newspaper interview over the Gorki Affair On the Boxer Rebellion in China in 1900 Statement about the Peace of Portsmouth ending the Russo-Japanese War in 1905 On the Russian Revolution and the USA The Russian Revolution An Unpublished Letter about the Czar Monarchy and revolution Theft, Crime, and Violence at the Base of Civilization : Land Grabbing and Modern Imperialism Patriotism and Robbery Russia and the Congo again The French Revolution Feudal Slavery and the French Revolution: The Two Reigns of Terror Slavery and Revolution Royalty and Revolution Rebellion Against church and state Two letters on the Boer War, the Conquest of the Philippines, and Christian Civilization Guerrilla Warfare in the Transvall The Slave Holders of the Poor Whites in the Civil War The beheading of King Charles I Patriotism Again Right and might

Part Four : -- and related matters Nature's gift to man Morals and instincts World Peace and disarmament Women's Liberation The Population Explosion Elinor Glyn and the passions Patriotism, the Consensus, Good and Evil Lies and civilizations Corn-Pone opinions The American Plutocracy I The American Plutocracy II The American Plutocracy III : Andrew Carnegie The American Plutocracy IV: The Democracy in 1877 The coming American Monarchy I The coming American Monarchy II The American Monarchy: Freedom of speech in America Dictatorship Rulers and Masses: Where does the talent come from? Man's Moral Sense Satan speaks on confomity The human condition and laughter Satan our true ruler Susy clemens and the Human Condition The Human Family The Human Race On life and death

Selected writings reveal Twain's radical views on America's political and social environment.