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The entrepreneurial instinct :

by Mehta, Monica. frey50
Published by : McGraw-Hill, (New York :) , 2013 Physical details: ix, 205 p. ; 24 cm. ISBN:9780071797429 (hbk. : acid-free paper); 0071797424 (hbk. : acid-free paper); 9780071797429; 9780071797429.
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How Sunil and Rita made millions -- Decoding the framework of the instinct-driven entrepreneur -- The entrepreneur's innate risk-taking edge -- The chemical that drives risk taking -- The personality traits of the self-made -- The source of fear -- Turning off your red light -- Take rewarding risks -- Launching a business by using instinct -- Finding inspiration -- Create a cycle of productivity -- Shoot first, aim later -- Don't spend a dime -- Before you quit your job -- How beliefs define reality.