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Here comes the ride

by McCourtney, Lorena
Edition statement:Center point large print ed. Published by : Center Point Pub., (Thorndike, Me. :) Physical details: 415 p. 23 cm. ISBN:9781611730517 (library binding : alk. paper); 1611730511 (library binding : alk. paper). Year: 2011
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The occasion is the"wedding of the century" at a local estate, and Andi has a five-day, live-in gig transporting the wedding party and Hollywood guests. There's the groom with cell phone welded to his ear; the bride who suspects she'll be murdered at the ceremony; and the over-the-hill, movie star stepmother with an ambitious agenda of her own. There's blackmail, betrayal, and enough hostility and competition to melt that life-sized ice sculpture of the bride and groom. And now there's murder... Along with chasing down a killer, Andi is trying to figure out her relationship with God and testing the limits of her aging anatomy with a skateboard. And her relationship with Keegan "Fitz" Fitzpatrick, a guy who is living proof that some men do age like fine wines, adds another element of complication to the chaos of her life.--From back cover.