Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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by Gish, Melissa. frey50
Series: Living wild Edition statement:1st ed. Published by : Creative Education, (Mankato, MN ) , 2014 Physical details: 46 p. col. ill. 28 cm. ISBN:9781608182848 (alk. paper); 1608182843 (alk. paper).
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j 500 - 599 Book Cart j599.64 Gis (Browse shelf) Available 100914
Browsing Arthur Johnson Memorial Library Shelves , Shelving location: Book Cart Close shelf browser
j599.635 Gis Hippopotamuses j599.6367 Bov I wish I was a llama j599.638 Hel Giraffes / j599.64 Gis Antelopes j599.643097 Pot The American bison / j599.6497 Gis Bighorn sheep j599.6655 Wil Przewalski's horse /

"A look at antelopes, including their habitats, physical characteristics such as their permanent horns, behaviors, relationships with humans, and protected status in the world today"--