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For the love of land

by Howell, Jim. frey50
Published by : BookSurge (Charleston, SC) , 2008 Physical details: xxv, 469 p. ill. ; 23 cm. ISBN:9781439216101; 143921610X.
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"Originally published as articles in IN PRACTICE, a bimonthly publication of Holistic Management International... [or] as articles in the Stockman Grass Farmer magazine."

Grazing as a natural process -- Holistic grazing and land planning: from theory into practice -- The American West: stories from Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, New Mexico, Texas, and Kansas -- Mexico: stories from Chihuahua, Sonora, Baja California, and Chiapas -- Argentina: Pampas to Patagonia -- Australia: stories from New South Wales -- Africa: stories from Zimbabwe, South Africa, and Namibia -- Holistic perspective: on being native or going global.